Castor plant (Ricinus communis) is a fast growing, perennial shrub also known as wonder tree from Euphorbiaceae family.India ranks globally first with production of 87% of the castor seed, while second and third largest producer countries, China and Brazil produced 5% and 1%, resp.Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is one of the most promising thermochem. conversion process used to convert wet/high moisture biomass to biofuels and value-added hydrocarbons.HTL of castor residue (stem and leaves) was performed at 260, 280, 300 °C and 15, 30, 60, 90 min.Investigations on the effect of temperature and residence time on distribution of products (bio-oil, bio-char) indicated the maximum Total Bio-oil (TBO) yield of c.a. 15.8 wt% was obtained at 300 °C at 60 min.The major compounds observed by GC-MS were phenols and their derivatives, aromatic hydrocarbons, N-containing compounds, acids.In addition, the recovery of carbon and corresponding energy recovery with respect to castor residue indicated that the carbon and energy recovery for bio-oil 1 were 24.23% and 31.08% resp.An increase in the carbon and decrease of oxygen content in bio-oil (BO) demonstrates that the castor residue can be used as a potential feedstock for bioenergy applications.