项与 [68Ga] MDM2/MDMX Peptide 相关的临床试验 / Not yet recruiting早期临床1期IIT First in Human Study on PET Imaging of Solid Tumors Using an MDM2/MDMX-Specific Probe
Investigation of the Radiotracer Uptake of [68Ga] MDM2/MDMX Peptide at Lesion Sites in Patients with Malignant Tumors, and Evaluation of the Capability of [68Ga] MDM2/MDMX Peptide to Detect Overexpression of MDM2/MDMX in Tumor Patients, Particularly Those with Recurrent or Advanced Disease.
100 项与 [68Ga] MDM2/MDMX Peptide 相关的临床结果
100 项与 [68Ga] MDM2/MDMX Peptide 相关的转化医学
100 项与 [68Ga] MDM2/MDMX Peptide 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 [68Ga] MDM2/MDMX Peptide 相关的药物交易