Monoclonal antibodies were raised against newborn chick bursa of Fabricius, and here we describe two antibodies, BEP-1 and BEP-2, which react selectively with the epithelial component of the bursa of Fabricius. In previous studies, using quail chick chimeric bursas, we have demonstrated that the epithelium of the bursal rudiment, presumably of endodermal origin, gives rise to the epithelium lining the bursal lumen, the basement membrane-associated epithelium and the network of reticular cells of the medulla, while the interfollicular connective cells are derived from the mesoderm. When tested in indirect immunofluorescence assay on bursa tissue sections or cell suspensions, BEP-1 reacts with a surface antigen present on all the epithelial cells of the bursa and could be used as a marker for this cell lineage. BEP-2 binds to an intracytoplasmic antigen that is present in about 5% of cells, representing the epithelial cells, and which is excreted in the medulla. BEP-2 also reacts with the epithelial cells of the thymic medulla and with the mucin-secreting goblet cells of the intestinal villi. A rabbit antiserum raised against human cytokeratin gives a different pattern of reactivity on bursal tissue compared to BEP-1 and BEP-2, tentatively suggesting that these two antibodies do not bind to keratin-like molecules. During ontogeny, BEP-1 reactivity appears in bursal epithelium from the early stages of bursal ontogeny (8 days). BEP-2 reactivity is detected around hatching time. BEP-1 and BEP-2 do not show any antigenic heterogeneity among the epithelial cells of the bursa.