One of the most important breakthroughs in healthcare is the development of vaccines. The life cycle and its gene expression in the numerous virus-associated disorders must be considered when choosing the target vaccine antigen for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The vaccine candidate used in the current study will also be effective against all other herpesvirus strains, based on the conservancy study, which verified that the protein is present in all herpesviruses. From the screening, two B-cell epitopes, four MHC-I, and five MHC-II restricted epitopes were chosen for further study. The refined epitopes indicated 70.59% coverage of the population in Malaysia and 93.98% worldwide. After removing the one toxin (PADRE) from the original vaccine design, it was projected that the new vaccine would not be similar to the human host and would instead be antigenic, immunogenic, non-allergenic, and non-toxic. The vaccine construct was stable, thermostable, soluble, and hydrophilic. The immunological simulation projected that the vaccine candidate would be subject to a long-lasting active adaptive response and a short-lived active innate response. With IgM concentrations of up to 450 cells per mm3 and active B-cell concentrations of up to 400 cells per mm3, the B-cells remain active for a considerable time. The construct also discovered other conformational epitopes, improving its ability to stimulate an immune response. This suggests that, upon injection, the epitope will target the B-cell surface receptors and elicit a potent immune response. Furthermore, the discotope analysis confirmed that our conformational B-cell epitope was not displaced during the design. Lastly, the docking complex was stable and exhibited little deformability under heat pressure. These computational results are very encouraging for future testing of our proposed vaccine, which may potentially help in the management and prevention of EBV infections worldwide.