100 项与 依他凝血素α生物类似药(International Biotech Center Generium, LLC) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 依他凝血素α生物类似药(International Biotech Center Generium, LLC) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 依他凝血素α生物类似药(International Biotech Center Generium, LLC) 相关的专利(医药)
项与 依他凝血素α生物类似药(International Biotech Center Generium, LLC) 相关的文献(医药)2005-11-01·Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation
Déficit acquis et isolé en facteur VII contemporain d'un traumatisme crânien grave : utilisation du substitut de facteur VII (facteur VII-LFB®)
作者: A. Saillol ; E. Cantais ; N. Kenane ; E. Meaudre ; B. Palmier ; E. Kaiser ; P.E. Gaillard
We report a case of transient acquired and isolated factor VII deficiency associated with severe head trauma. A 16-year-old boy was involved in a motor vehicle accident. CT scan showed frontal brain contusion and a cerebral haematoma (5 cm). First prothrombine time (PT) was normal. Rapidly, a severe coagulopathy developed, unresponsiving to fresh frozen plasma and vitamin K. Haemostatic markers analysis showed an isolated deficiency of factor VII at 15%. No inhibitory activity against factor VII could be detected. We successfully treated the deficiency with intermittent intravenous human factor VII (factor VII-LFB) during 10 days. Factor VII return to normal at 84%. Physiopathological and therapeutic aspects of this rare pathology are presented.
Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia
作者: Rogalskaya, E A ; Klimovich, L G ; Tataryan, F E ; Samsonova, N N ; Khichagov, D Ya ; Rybka, M M
The article deals with the safety and efficiency of recombinant activated factor VII (Coagil VII, Russia) and prothrombin complex concentrate (protromplex-600, Baxter Austria) in the neonatal and pediatric cardiac surgery. The study included 56 children aged from 7 days to 5.5 years underwent surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass for congenital heart defects repair. Clinical and laboratory evidences suggest that Coagil VII and protromplex-600 effective for bleeding stop. The drugs have no negative impact on hemodynamics. We did not identify allergic reactions and thrombosis associated with the introduction of drugs in the pen operative period.
100 项与 依他凝血素α生物类似药(International Biotech Center Generium, LLC) 相关的药物交易