项与 Dsc14CfaE chimeric recombinant vaccine(U.S. Army Medical Research & Development Command) 相关的临床试验A Phase 1 Dose Escalating Study of Two Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Prototype Adhesin-based Vaccines With or Without Modified Heat-labile Enterotoxin by Intradermal or Transcutaneous Immunization
The purpose of the study is to determine if immunization with a chimeric E. coli protein, dsc14CfaE-sCT2/LTB5, is safe and immunogenic when administered by vaccination under the skin.
100 项与 Dsc14CfaE chimeric recombinant vaccine(U.S. Army Medical Research & Development Command) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 Dsc14CfaE chimeric recombinant vaccine(U.S. Army Medical Research & Development Command) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 Dsc14CfaE chimeric recombinant vaccine(U.S. Army Medical Research & Development Command) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 Dsc14CfaE chimeric recombinant vaccine(U.S. Army Medical Research & Development Command) 相关的药物交易