项与 GIP[3-30]NH2(Gentofte Hospital) 相关的临床试验 / Enrolling by invitation早期临床1期IIT GA-18: The Role of Endogenous GIP in Glycosis Metabolism During Fasting
This research project aims to investigate the role of endogenous GIP during fasting. With the infusion of a GIP receptor antagonist (GIP[3-30]NH2), is it possible to selectively remove the effect of endogenous GIP, and thus describe its effects by comparing it with what happens during a saline infusion.
100 项与 GIP[3-30]NH2(Gentofte Hospital) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 GIP[3-30]NH2(Gentofte Hospital) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 GIP[3-30]NH2(Gentofte Hospital) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 GIP[3-30]NH2(Gentofte Hospital) 相关的药物交易