项与 Apoptotic Donor Leukocytes(Diabetes Free, Inc.) 相关的临床试验 / Not yet recruiting临床1/2期 Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of ToleraCell (Apoptotic Donor Leukocytes) and Induction Immunosuppression With Anti-CD40 Monoclonal Antibody DFI105, Sirolimus, Etanercept, and Tocilizumab for Induction of Tolerance to Islet Allotransplants in Subjects With Predominantly β-Cell Failure-mediated Type 2 Diabetes
The goal of this phase 1, first-in-human, interventional study is to test if the therapy can allow for successful islet transplantation from an unrelated donor without the use of long-term immunosuppression (or induce tolerance to islets). The study will examine results of six islet transplants performed in patients with a specific form of insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes. The main questions it aims to answer are:
Is the tolerance inducing therapy safe; and
Can the tolerance inducing therapy allow for the transplanted islets to survive and produce insulin without the use of the long-term immunosuppression commonly used after islet transplant.
Participants will be asked to undergo islet transplant and repeat metabolic testing (requires hospitalization), track their blood glucose with a study provided continuous glucose monitor, and self-administer some of the therapy drugs. Over 75 days, treatments given in addition to standard of care for islet transplant (only if a suitable transplant donor is identified) are:
An experimental cell therapy made from the donor's spleen (ToleraCell) An experimental antibody (DFI-105) Three other drugs that have been previously used in islet transplantation (sirolimus, etanercept, tocilizumab) Researchers will track your blood glucose, metabolic status, and insulin use over one year post-transplant and follow your overall health status for 5 years.
100 项与 Apoptotic Donor Leukocytes(Diabetes Free, Inc.) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 Apoptotic Donor Leukocytes(Diabetes Free, Inc.) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 Apoptotic Donor Leukocytes(Diabetes Free, Inc.) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 Apoptotic Donor Leukocytes(Diabetes Free, Inc.) 相关的药物交易