项与 COVID-19 Spike-GM-CSF Protein Lactated Ringer's Injection(Medicine Invention Design) 相关的临床试验Conducting an Initial Small, Controlled Clinical Pharmacology Trial to Assess for Therapeutic Biologics Activity (Proof-of-Concept) That Suggests the Potential for Clinical Benefits of COVID-19 Patients.
Conducting an initial small, controlled clinical pharmacology trial to assess for therapeutic biologics activity (proof-of-concept) that suggests the potential for clinical benefit of COVID-19 patients.
Treat Infection of Multiple Gene Mutation COVID-19 Virus Strains.
Activate Human Antigen Presentation Reaction to COVID-19 Specific Antigen.
The human antigen presenting cells (APCs) can take up and process COVID-19 target antigen protein into small peptide fragments, and then COVID-19 virus can be killed by APCs directly.
100 项与 COVID-19 Spike-GM-CSF Protein Lactated Ringer's Injection(Medicine Invention Design) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 COVID-19 Spike-GM-CSF Protein Lactated Ringer's Injection(Medicine Invention Design) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 COVID-19 Spike-GM-CSF Protein Lactated Ringer's Injection(Medicine Invention Design) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 COVID-19 Spike-GM-CSF Protein Lactated Ringer's Injection(Medicine Invention Design) 相关的药物交易