A Prospective, Double Blind, Controlled Study Evaluating Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of a Single Injection of Adult Mesenchymal Precursor Cells (MPCs) Combined With Hyaluronan in Subjects With Chronic Discogenic Lumbar Back Pain
The purpose of this study is to compare two doses of immunoselected, culture-expanded, nucleated, allogeneic adult MPCs when combined with hyaluronic acid to two control intradiscal injections in subjects with chronic low back pain due to moderate Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) at one lumbar level from L1 to S1.
All investigational subjects in this study will undergo injection of either 6 million (M) or 18M cells in a hyaluronic acid carrier into the degenerated lumbar disc's nucleus pulposus. All control subjects will undergo an intradiscal control injection with either saline or hyaluronic acid only
100 项与 MPC-300-IV 相关的临床结果
100 项与 MPC-300-IV 相关的转化医学
100 项与 MPC-300-IV 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 MPC-300-IV 相关的药物交易