100 项与 Rye grass tolerising peptide vaccine(Acambis Plc) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 Rye grass tolerising peptide vaccine(Acambis Plc) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 Rye grass tolerising peptide vaccine(Acambis Plc) 相关的专利(医药)
项与 Rye grass tolerising peptide vaccine(Acambis Plc) 相关的文献(医药)An improved course of glycaemia after a bread based breakfast is associated with beneficial effects on acute and semi-acute markers of appetite
2区 · 医学
作者: Björck, Inger M. E. ; Östman, Elin M. ; Ekström, Linda M. N. K.
A breakfast giving low and sustained glycaemia results in beneficial effects on appetite, both acute and after a subsequentad libmeal.
100 项与 Rye grass tolerising peptide vaccine(Acambis Plc) 相关的药物交易