项与 抗原致敏的人树突状细胞(上海海欣生物) 相关的临床试验抗原致敏的人树突状细胞(APDC) 治疗转移性结直肠癌的III期临床研究
比较APDC联合5-Fu/LV+奥沙利铂与单用5-Fu/LV+奥沙利铂治疗转移性结直肠癌(mCRC)患者的无进展生存期(Progression Free Survival,PFS)及比较两组的安全性。
The phase I study of the combined immunotherapy using alpha-galactosylceramide pulsed antigen presenting cells and tumor-specific peptide pulsed dendritic cells for patients with advanced head and neck mucosal melanoma - The phase I study with alpha-GalCer pulsed APCs and tumor peptide pulsed DCs for head and neck mucosal melanoma
Randomized phase II study with or without adjuvant immunotherapy of alpha-GalCer-pulsed dendritic cells in the patients with completely resected stage II-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer - Randomized phase II of adjuvant immunotherapy using alpha-GalCer-pulsed dendritic cells in completely resected stage II-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (RADCLC)
100 项与 抗原致敏的人树突状细胞(上海海欣生物) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 抗原致敏的人树突状细胞(上海海欣生物) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 抗原致敏的人树突状细胞(上海海欣生物) 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 抗原致敏的人树突状细胞(上海海欣生物) 相关的药物交易