OBJECTIVE:To compare the physiological activity of Fritillaria pallidiflora alkaloids(FPA) with that of F. delavayi alkaloids(FDA).
METHOD:Xylene-induced ear swelling in mice, SO2-induced cough in mice, expectorant experiment on phenolsulfon phthalein excretion and bacteria incubation in vitro, etc.
RESULT:The total alkaloids of both FPA and FDA(i.g., 400 mg.kg-1 and 200 mg.kg-1) have anti-inflammatory, antibechic and expectorant effects, but the former is more effective than the latter. Given the same dosage, FPA is still more effective than FDA. FPA can inhibit Hemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, etc, more effectively than FDA.
CONCLUSION:In anti-inflammatory, antibechic, expectorant and bacteriostatic effects FPA is superior to FDA.