The direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) currently in development for treatment of hepatitis C fall into four categories: (i) NS3/4A protease inhibitors: ABT-450/r, faldaprevir, asunaprevir, GS-9256, vedroprevir (GS-9451), danoprevir, MK-5172, vaniprevir, sovaprevir, ACH-2684, narlaprevir and simeprevir, in addition to those that are already developed [telaprevir (Incivek®) and boceprevir (Victrelis®)], (ii) NS5A protein inhibitors: ABT-267, daclatasvir, ledipasvir, ACH-2928, ACH-3102, PPI-668, AZD-7295, MK-8742, and GSK 2336805; (iii) NS5B (nucleoside-type) polymerase inhibitors: sofosbuvir (now approved by the FDA since 6 December 2013), GS-0938, mericitabine, VX-135, ALS 2158 and TMC 649128; (iv) NS5B (non-nucleoside-type) polymerase inhibitors: VX-222, ABT-072, ABT-333, deleobuvir, tegobuvir, setrobuvir, VCH-916, VCH-759, BMS-791325 and TMC-647055. Future drug combinations will likely exist of two or more DAAs belonging to any of the 4 categories, with the aim to achieve (i) pan-genotypic hepatitis C virus (HCV) activity, (ii) little or no risk for resistance; (iii) short duration (i.e. 12 weeks) of treatment, and (iv) a sustained viral response (SVR) and definite cure of the disease.