100 项与 Retinalamin 相关的临床结果
100 项与 Retinalamin 相关的转化医学
100 项与 Retinalamin 相关的专利(医药)
项与 Retinalamin 相关的文献(医药)2024-01-01·Vestnik oftalmologii
Objective functional monitoring of retinoprotective treatment in diabetic retinopathy
作者: Strakhov, V V ; Kovaleva, Y D ; Malakhova, A I ; Malakhova, Y A
2021-01-01·Vestnik oftalmologii
Effect of retinal protective therapy on optical coherence tomography angiography (pilot study)
作者: Solovieva, A B ; Klimova, A V ; Dorofeev, D A ; Kirilik, E V
2021-01-01·Vestnik oftalmologii
Retinoprotective effects of Retinalamin studied in an experimental model of photochemical damage to rabbit retinas
作者: Alekperov, S I ; Odinokaya, M A ; Suetov, A A ; Kostina, A A
100 项与 Retinalamin 相关的药物交易