Background/Aim: Physical decline is accompanied with malnutrition in advanced cancer patients, thus nutritional care is often provided with cancer rehabilitation. However, a limited number of studies have focused on which nutritional index serves as an important marker to provide more intensive nutritional support for patients. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed advanced cancer patients who received chemotherapy and rehabilitation during hospitalization. In analysis 1, patients were divided into two groups: a Well group with caloric intake ≥ basal metabolism, calculated by the Harris–Benedict equation, and a Poor group with caloric intake less than their basal energy expenditure. The primary endpoint was the ratio of patients whose Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG PS) or Barthel index (BI) was maintained during rehabilitation. In analysis 2, the cohort was restratified into Responders, whose ECOG PS and BI improved, and Non-responders, comprising the remaining patients. Several nutritional indices were compared between the groups. Results: Eighty-four patients were evaluated in analysis 1, namely 51 Well patients and 33 Poor patients. The ECOG PS-maintained rate was 98% and 91% (p=0.29), and the BI-maintained rate was 100% and 88% (p=0.02) in the Well and Poor groups, respectively. In analysis 2, 72 patients were evaluated after excluding 12 patients who lacked nutritional data after rehabilitation. Compared with the Responders group, caloric intake appeared worse in the Non-responders group, although their nutritional background tended to be better. Conclusion: Insufficient caloric intake might be a predictive marker of poor outcomes after rehabilitation in advanced cancer patients.