别名 Conventional kinesin heavy chain、KIF5B、kinesin family member 5B + [5] |
简介 Microtubule-dependent motor required for normal distribution of mitochondria and lysosomes. Can induce formation of neurite-like membrane protrusions in non-neuronal cells in a ZFYVE27-dependent manner (By similarity). Regulates centrosome and nuclear positioning during mitotic entry. During the G2 phase of the cell cycle in a BICD2-dependent manner, antagonizes dynein function and drives the separation of nuclei and centrosomes (PubMed:20386726). Required for anterograde axonal transportation of MAPK8IP3/JIP3 which is essential for MAPK8IP3/JIP3 function in axon elongation (By similarity). Through binding with PLEKHM2 and ARL8B, directs lysosome movement toward microtubule plus ends (Probable). Involved in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Drives the polarization of cytolytic granules and microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) toward the immune synapse between effector NK lymphocytes and target cells (PubMed:24088571). |