Kalmegh [Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees.] is one of the essential medicinal plants due to an important terpenoid, i.e. andrographolide possesses immense therapeutic and pharmacological uses. The experiment was performed to elucidate the expression of candidate genes associated with andrographolide biosynthesis. Based on results obtained in chromatography for andrographolide content analysis of six genotypes, two contrast genotypes, i.e. IC-520361 (maximum andrographolide content-2.33%) and Anand Local (lowest andrographolide content-1.01%) were selected for the transcriptome analysis. A total of 1.04 Gb of raw data were produced using MiSeq Illumina platform, in which IC 520361 generated 645 million base pairs sequence along with 4,524,251 raw reads and Anand Local produced 419 million base pairs sequence along with 3,021,316 raw reads. The combined assembly of high quality reads generated for both the samples had 33,247,454 bp of total assembled bases and 38,292 of transcripts. The GC percent of assembled transcripts was 44.79%, an average read length was 800 bp and N50 value was 1186 bp. Species-specific distribution using BLAST X (Nr), showed the highest Blast hits with Sesamum indicum. Out of 23,346 transcripts, 87% of transcripts annotated in UniProt KB (Universal Protein Resource KnowledgeBase) database and only 0.21% of transcripts were annotated in TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resources). Biological processes gene ontology classified based on Blast2GO showed, out of 6853 transcripts, 1370 of transcripts were represented by terpenoid biosynthetic pathway, which involved in secondary metabolite andrographolide biosynthesis. The heat map showed 1016 transcripts were differentially expressed between two kalmegh genotypes, in which nine important differentially expressed transcripts related to MEP (2C methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate) and MVA (Mevalonic acid) andrographolide biosynthesis pathways such as, geranyl diphosphate synthase small subunit, Isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase i-like, 4, 13-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase etc. were upregulated in IC 520361 as compared to Anand Local, which were validated through RT-qPCR. The highest expression of gene 13-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase (HMGR) was reported, which is responsible for accumulation of andrographolide in leaf. This comparative transcriptome analysis confirmed the expression level of genes were higher in accession IC 520361 as compare to Anand Local related to andrographolide biosynthesis pathways i.e. MEP and MVA. These up-regulated genes could be over-expressed to enhance the andrographolide content using genetic engineering of these metabolic pathways. It will also give an idea to the breeder for development of molecular markers for direct screening of the genotypes.