别名 ACTINIC PRURIGO、Actinic Prurigo、Actinic prurigo + [24] |
简介 A rare, chronic, photodermatosis disease characterized by intensely pruritic, polymorphic, erythematous, excoriated and/or lichenified papules, macules, plaques and nodules, occurring on sun-exposed areas of the skin (particularly face, nose, lips, and ears), frequently associating cheilitis (especially of the lower lip) and conjuctivitis, which are present year-round or only in the spring/summer (depending on geographic location), observed mainly in Native Americans and Mestizos. Cheilitis may be the sole clinical presentation. Histologically, the presence of lymphoid follicles in mucosa is pathognomonic. |
靶点 |
作用机制 MC1R激动剂 |
在研适应症 |
最高研发阶段批准上市 |
首次获批国家/地区 欧盟 [+3] |
首次获批日期2014-12-22 |
开始日期2022-08-09 |
开始日期2021-05-07 |
开始日期2021-02-25 |
申办/合作机构- |