In foregoing studies, we found a unique B cell differentiation antigen Lp-3 which is expressed on pre-B and premature B cells in the bone marrow, but is negative on bone marrow mature B cells and peripheral resting B cells. Nonetheless, Lp-3 was clearly positive on the majority of CD5 B(B1) cells. When we examined the biochemical nature and partial amino acid sequences of purified 132-kDa Lp-3 molecules and the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA clones, we found that Lp-3 is an epitope of CD43. Thus, the monoclonal antibody (mAb) Lp-3 may be the first mAb to murine CD43 defined by primary target structure analysis. Comparison of tissue distribution of Lp-3 and S7, an epitope previously suggested to associate with murine CD43, showed that they were similarly distributed on thymocytes, peripheral B and T cells, granulocytes, and platelets. In the bone marrow, while both Lp-3 and S7 were negative on mature B cells, the former was positive on all B lineage cells at an early ontogeny and the latter was positive only on the minor population of pre-B cells and pro-B cells. Lp-3 and S7 epitopes also showed different distributions on basement membranes of renal glomerulus, bronchus, and endometrium, lining cells of choroid plexus and muscular cells of arterioles in a variety of tissues. As CD43 has various isoforms generated by different degrees of glycosylation of the common core peptide, it is likely that Lp-3 and S7 are associated with different CD43 isoforms.