Radiative efficiency (RE) is a climate metric adopted in international reports on climate change to quantify the greenhouse capacity of gases, and hence to guide decision-making processes and drive transitions in the production and utilization of chems. in different application fields.Key quantities for the determination of the RE of a gas are the atm. irradiance profile and the IR (IR) absorption cross section spectrum.The latter is usually measured exptl., even though acquiring high-quality IR spectra can pose severe challenges, sometimes limiting the accuracy or the accessible spectral range.While computational quantum chem. methods have emerged as valuable tools to simulate IR absorption properties, their application to REs estimation is still limited to the use of the double-harmonic approximation, which presents fundamental limitations.In this work, a cost-effective quantum chem. (QC) workflow including non-empirical anharmonic contributions to spectral properties and an automatic identification of conformer distribution is presented for the accurate evaluation of REs using a range of atm. irradiance profiles.Different levels of theory are considered, according to the current state-of-the-art, and the accuracy of the QC RE tool is demonstrated with reference to a number of representative halocarbons widely used in refrigeration, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical fields.The results show that REs can be computed with an average accuracy of 5% using double-hybrid functionals, which overshoot the widely used B3LYP method.Finally, the QC methodol. is applied to determine the REs of selected halocarbons for which data is limited, or to address some contradictory results appeared in the literature for some species.The outcomes of this work demonstrate that QC anharmonic IR cross section spectra can be used to estimate REs with an accuracy on par with that of exptl. measurements, hence applicable to challenging cases for providing data for policymakers as well for screening purposes when seeking new replacement compounds