项与 Chimaphila umbellata extract/Populus tremula extract/Pulsatilla pratensis mill extract/Equisetum arvense extract/Wheat Germ Oil 相关的临床试验Clinical effect of Eviprostat in patients with high levels of PSA - Clinical effect of Eviprostat in patients with high levels of PSA
A Randomized controlled study to evaluate the efficacy on male lower urinary tract symptoms with overactive bladder of alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist in monotherapy and combination therapy with Eviprostat - A Randomized controlled study to evaluate the efficacy on male lower urinary tract symptoms with overactive bladder of alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist in monotherapy and combination therapy with Eviprostat
Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to investigate the efficacy and safety of a herbal combination product, Eviprostat N, in the treatment of moderate LUTS associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia” - EVE 2004/01
100 项与 Chimaphila umbellata extract/Populus tremula extract/Pulsatilla pratensis mill extract/Equisetum arvense extract/Wheat Germ Oil 相关的临床结果
100 项与 Chimaphila umbellata extract/Populus tremula extract/Pulsatilla pratensis mill extract/Equisetum arvense extract/Wheat Germ Oil 相关的转化医学
100 项与 Chimaphila umbellata extract/Populus tremula extract/Pulsatilla pratensis mill extract/Equisetum arvense extract/Wheat Germ Oil 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 Chimaphila umbellata extract/Populus tremula extract/Pulsatilla pratensis mill extract/Equisetum arvense extract/Wheat Germ Oil 相关的药物交易