作者: Collin, Ludovic ; Pavlovic, Anto ; Florea, Bogdan I. ; van den Berg, Richard J. B. H. N. ; Amedi, Avand ; Ruf, Iris ; van Boeckel, Constant A. A. ; Driever, Wouter F. ; van der Vliet, Daan ; Grether, Uwe ; Heitman, Laura H. ; Mohr, Florian ; Stevens, Anna F. ; Pacher, Pal ; Wirt, Jonah L. ; Paloczi, Janos ; Hankemeier, Thomas ; Di, Xinyu ; Hohmann, Andrea G. ; Benz, Joerg ; Janssen, Antonius P. A. ; van der Stelt, Mario ; van den Hurk, Helma ; Lam, Tsang-Wai ; Deng, Hui ; Wittwer, Matthias B. ; Huizenga, Mirjam C. W. ; Jiang, Ming ; van der Wel, Tom
Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) regulates endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and eicosanoid signalling.MAGL inhibition provides therapeutic opportunities but clin. potential is limited by central nervous system (CNS)-mediated side effects.Here, we report the discovery of LEI-515, a peripherally restricted, reversible MAGL inhibitor, using high throughput screening and a medicinal chem. program.LEI-515 increased 2-AG levels in peripheral organs, but not mouse brain.LEI-515 attenuated liver necrosis, oxidative stress and inflammation in a CCl4-induced acute liver injury model.LEI-515 suppressed chemotherapy-induced neuropathic nociception in mice without inducing cardinal signs of CB1 activation.Antinociceptive efficacy of LEI-515 was blocked by CB2, but not CB1, antagonists.The CB1 antagonist rimonabant precipitated signs of phys. dependence in mice treated chronically with a global MAGL inhibitor (JZL184), and an orthosteric cannabinoid agonist (WIN55,212-2), but not with LEI-515.Our data support targeting peripheral MAGL as a promising therapeutic strategy for developing safe and effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents.