SimBioSys and General Inception unite to revolutionize cancer drug development

The collaboration, announced today (April 3), is poised to leverage advanced AI and biophysical modeling to gain deeper insights into tumor biology and accelerate the creation of safer and more effective cancer therapies.
“We're excited about this collaboration because all new oncology drug incubations under General Inception will be able to use SimBioSys’ state-of-the-art PhenoScope platform and drug development services,” said Venkat Reddy, chief scientific officer of General Inception.
“More efficient target identification, credentialing, and clinical positioning will significantly reduce the time it takes to get to the clinic and improve efficacy through patient stratification, precision medicine approaches, and other means.”
According to Tushar Pandey, chief executive officer of SimBioSys, the partnership with General Inception represents a crucial step toward introducing precision into the drug development process.
“Together, we are committed to introducing much-needed precision to the drug development process,” Pandey said.
“By partnering with General Inception, we can cut their oncology drug development time and costs significantly. Not only will that reduce program costs but also increase efficacy and reduce patient side effects through better dosing.”
Urgent need for better approache sto cancer therapy
The collaboration comes at a critical time in the oncology landscape, with drug development reaching unprecedented levels of activity. With more than 2,000 products currently under development and a surge in drug trial starts the need for innovative approaches to cancer therapy has never been greater.
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“The growing importance of precision dosing is reflected in initiatives such as the US Food and Drug Administration's Oncology Center of Excellence's Project Optimus,” Pandey added.
“As the demand for precision oncology solutions continues to grow, collaborations like the one between SimBioSys and General Inception hold the promise of delivering groundbreaking therapies to patients faster than ever before.”
In an article published in the National Library of Medicine​, researchers say the role of collaboration between AI researchers and pharmaceutical scientists is crucial in the development of innovative and effective treatments for various diseases.
Crucial role for AI researchers and pharma scientists
They say: “By combining their expertise and knowledge, they can create powerful algorithms and machine-learning models intended to predict the efficacy of potential drug candidates and speed up the drug discovery process.
“This collaboration can also help improve the accuracy and efficiency of clinical trials, as AI algorithms can be used to analyze the data collected during these trials to identify trends and the potential adverse effects of the drugs being tested.”
They believe that this can help pharmaceutical companies to make informed decisions about which drug candidates to pursue and can speed up the overall drug development process.
They say that collaboration between AI researchers and pharmaceutical scientists can also help to improve the accessibility and affordability of healthcare. By using AI algorithms to analyze data from large populations, they can be used to identify trends and patterns that can help predict the effectiveness of potential drug candidates for specific patient populations, which can help tailor treatments to the needs of individual patients.