药明康德新加坡基地开工建设,更好助力全球合作伙伴加速医药创新 | Bilingual News

药明康德新加坡,2024年5月23日 – 药明康德今日宣布其位于新加坡的研发及生产基地正式开工建设。这是继2022年宣布设立新加坡基地后又一个重要里程碑,标志着公司在CRDMO赋能平台建设进程中又迈出了坚实的一步,助力全球客户加速医药创新、造福病患。药明康德新加坡基地位于大士(Tuas)生物医药园,占地50英亩,由裕廊集团(JTC)负责总体设计建设。新基地满负荷运转时将有7个研发生产车间,为小分子、寡核苷酸、多肽及复杂的合成偶联药物提供原料药研发和生产服务。通过应用行业领先的绿色化学技术,新加坡基地将致力于提升行业实践标准,促进当地社区的可持续发展。作为药明康德全球研发和生产网络的重要组成部分,新加坡基地将与公司在亚洲、欧洲和北美的各个基地紧密协同,进一步加强公司CRDMO赋能平台的灵活性和规模,为客户提供从药物发现到商业化生产的高效解决方案。新加坡经济发展局主席方章文先生表示:“药明康德在新加坡设立CRDMO基地,标志着该公司正式加入新加坡生物医学生态圈,为本地行业的蓬勃发展注入新能量。新基地将在本地组建一支规模可观的研发及生产团队,推动突破性疗法的研发。新加坡致力于与生物医学行业伙伴携手合作,为全球各地的患者带来创新治疗方案。”“我们很高兴看到这一长期规划的基地在新加坡正式动工。感谢当地合作伙伴的支持,让这个项目取得令人瞩目的进展。”药明康德联席首席执行官陈民章博士表示:“公司不断建能力、扩规模,为客户提供高质量的服务,持续满足行业日益变化的需求,新加坡基地将帮助我们更好地服务本地及全球客户。”“药明康德的愿景是‘让天下没有难做的药,难治的病’。”药明康德董事长兼首席执行官李革博士表示:“我们很荣幸能与新加坡志同道合的伙伴携手,共同实现这一伟大梦想。药明康德将持续加强能力和规模建设,赋能客户加速研发进程,推动更多新药、好药早日问世,造福全球病患。” 新加坡基地计划于2027年投入运营,整体工程建设将会分阶段推进。全面竣工后,新基地预计将创造1600个就业岗位。▲从左到右依次为:新加坡经济发展局执行副总裁许凯琳女士,药明康德联席首席执行官陈民章博士,新加坡副总理王瑞杰先生,药明康德董事长兼首席执行官李革博士,新加坡贸易与工业部常任秘书(发展)马宣仁医生,新加坡裕廊集团工业群集总署助理总裁陈有和先生关于药明康德药明康德(股票代码:603259.SH/2359.HK)为全球医药及生命科学行业提供一体化、端到端的新药研发和生产服务,在亚洲、欧洲、北美等地均设有运营基地。药明康德通过独特的“CRDMO”和“CTDMO”业务模式,不断降低研发门槛,助力客户提升研发效率,为患者带来更多突破性的治疗方案,服务范围涵盖化学药研发和生产、生物学研究、临床前测试和临床试验研发、精准医疗研发、测试和生产等领域。2023年,药明康德连续第三年被MSCI评为ESG(环境、社会及管治)AA级。目前,公司的赋能平台正承载着来自全球30多个国家的6,000多家合作伙伴的研发创新项目,致力于将更多新药、好药带给全球病患,早日实现“让天下没有难做的药,难治的病”的愿景。WuXi AppTec Breaks Ground on New Site in Singapore to Better Support Global CustomersSINGAPORE, May 23, 2024 – WuXi AppTec, a global company that provides a broad portfolio of R&D and manufacturing services to enable companies in the pharmaceutical and life science industries, today announced the groundbreaking of its new R&D and manufacturing site in Singapore. This milestone, following the announcement of the new site in 2022, marks another step forward in WuXi AppTec’s mission to continuously enhance its CRDMO enabling platform to better support customers worldwide in advancing healthcare treatments and innovations. The new 50-acre Singapore site is located in the thriving Tuas Biomedical Park with the master planning and development by JTC to encompass a total of seven plants at its full capacity, providing active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) R&D and manufacturing services for small molecules, oligonucleotides, peptides, and complex synthetic conjugates. Embracing industry-leading green chemistry technology initiatives, this new site is dedicated to improving industrial practices and promoting sustainable development of the local community. As a key part of the company’s global network, the Singapore site will integrate closely with WuXi AppTec’s existing sites across Asia, Europe, and North America, offering effective CRDMO solutions for new drug R&D from discovery to commercialization with expanded flexibility and scalability.Mr. Png Cheong Boon, Chairman of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), said, "WuXi AppTec’s comprehensive CRDMO facility marks the company’s first foray into Singapore, and is a timely addition to Singapore’s thriving and growing pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector. With R&D and manufacturing activities housed under one roof, WuXi AppTec will be building a sizeable local team to drive the development of innovative therapeutics in Singapore to serve patients globally. Singapore remains committed to working with global healthcare partners to bring novel healthcare solutions to the rest of the world.""We are thrilled to break ground on our long-planned site in Singapore. The progress we’ve made with many of our local partners is remarkable," said Dr. Minzhang Chen, Co-CEO of WuXi AppTec. "As we continue to enhance our capabilities and capacities to deliver high-quality solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers, the new Singapore site will help us better serve our customers both locally and around the world.""At WuXi AppTec, our vision is that one day every drug can be made and every disease can be treated," said Dr. Ge Li, Chairman and CEO of WuXi AppTec. "We are proud to work with like-minded partners in Singapore to carry out this vision for the global pharmaceutical and life sciences industry. With the enhanced capacity and capabilities we are building at this new Singapore site, we look forward to continuing to help our customers accelerate the development and commercialization of life-saving treatments and medicines for patients around the world."The new Singapore site is projected to start operation in 2027 and will be built in different phases. The site is expected to bring approximately 1,600 employment opportunities once fully built.▲From left to right: Ms. Cindy Koh, Executive Vice President, Singapore Economic Development Board; Dr. Minzhang Chen, Co-CEO, WuXi AppTec; Mr. Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister; Dr. Ge Li, Chairman and CEO, WuXi AppTec; Dr. Beh Swan Gin, Permanent Secretary (Development), Ministry of Trade and Industry; Mr. Alvin Tan, Assistant Chief Executive Officer for Industry Cluster Group, JTC CorporationAbout WuXi AppTecAs a global company with operations across Asia, Europe, and North America, WuXi AppTec provides a broad portfolio of R&D and manufacturing services that enable the global pharmaceutical and life sciences industry to advance discoveries and deliver groundbreaking treatments to patients. Through its unique business models, WuXi AppTec’s integrated, end-to-end services include chemistry drug CRDMO (Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Organization), biology discovery, preclinical testing and clinical research services, advanced therapies CTDMO (Contract Testing, Development and Manufacturing Organization), helping customers improve the productivity of advancing healthcare products through cost-effective and efficient solutions. WuXi AppTec received an AA ESG rating from MSCI for the third consecutive year in 2023 and its open-access platform is enabling more than 6,000 customers from over 30 countries to improve the health of those in need – and to realize the vision that "every drug can be made and every disease can be treated."免责声明:药明康德内容团队专注介绍全球生物医药健康研究进展。本文仅作信息交流之目的,文中观点不代表药明康德立场,亦不代表药明康德支持或反对文中观点。本文也不是治疗方案推荐。如需获得治疗方案指导,请前往正规医院就诊。版权说明:本文来自药明康德内容团队,欢迎个人转发至朋友圈,谢绝媒体或机构未经授权以任何形式转载至其他平台。转载授权请在「药明康德」微信公众号回复“转载”,获取转载须知。分享,点赞,在看,聚焦全球生物医药健康创新