The human gut harbors a complex microbial community that performs a range of metabolic, physiological, and immunological functions. The host and its inhabiting microorganisms are often referred to as a "superorganism." Dysbiosis of gut microflora has been associated with the pathogenesis of intestinal disorders including inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, and extra-intestinal disorders such as cardiovascular disease. Therefore, gut microbiome interventions are important for the prevention and treatment of diseases. However, ethical, economic, scientific, and time constraints limit the outcome of human intervention or animal studies targeting gut microbiota. We recently developed an in vitro batch fermentation model (the Kobe University Human Intestinal Microbiota Model, KUHIMM) that is capable of hosting a majority of gut microbial species in humans and also detects the metabolites produced by microorganisms in real time. In this mini review, we elucidated the characteristics of the KUHIMM and its applicability in analyzing the effect of diet, drugs, probiotics, and prebiotics on intestinal bacteria. In addition, we introduce as examples its application to disease models, such as ulcerative colitis, in which intestinal bacteria are intricately involved in the process of pathogenesis. We also discuss the potential of the KUHIMM in precision medicine. KEY POINTS: • In vitro gut fermentation model to simulate human colonic microbiota • Screening of potential prebiotics and probiotic candidates in healthy model • Construction of disease models of ulcerative colitis and coronary artery disease.