The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has necessitated innovation in many areas, including the development of mol. point-of-care tests (POCTs) to facilitate rapid diagnosis.Academia and industry have collaborated to produce these diagnostics at an unparalleled pace, drawing on various methodol. approaches.We make the case that the clin. genetics community is well-placed, given its unique history, to play a central role in the development and implementation of any new testing model.Traditionally, clin. genetics services have been gate-keepers to genetic testing.The current POCT revolution may well change that.We believe that our community has a critical role to play in shaping this revolution and we must not be bystanders.By collaborating with industry to develop robust diagnostics and working along side clinicians to integrate these tools into clin. pathways, we can help straddle the clin. - academic divide.The history of our specialty is, to a great extent, the history of mol. diagnostics.The rise of the genetic POCT is the next chapter in that story and we must adapt once more.