Regaining Walking Ability Easier and Better in Critical Illness Polyneuropathy and Myopathy
The aim of Re-Walk-Easy is to evaluate the effects of rehabilitation based on electrical stimulation on the motor performance of critically ill patients. The study will also investigate the pathophysiology of the two forms-the myopathic-predominant and the polyneuropathic-predominant variants-by examining the longitudinal progression of CIP and CIM and determining which form benefits more from electrical stimulation as a rehabilitative approach.
/ Active, not recruitingN/A Shared Interactive Book Reading in Preschool Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Effects on Language Development and Reading Habits
The goal of this observational retrospective study is to explore the effects of a parent-based book reading intervention on children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The project consisted of interactive lessons for parents and shared reading experiences. It took place between May 2021 and June 2022 in Rome and at the time children were receiving neuropsychomotor and speech therapy sessions based on the developmental profile.
The investigators'primary goal is to investigate lexical quotients of children who participated in the project to explore whether it had an impact on their language development. The secondary goal is to assess shared reading habits.
For both outcome measures, researchers will compare the group who partecipated in the study with a cohort of children with the same characteristics who also attended Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi for rehabilitation purposes.
Patients and their family will not be asked for any further engagement because all data will be taken from medical records.
Exploring Brain Fog Symptoms in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and CPAP Therapy Impact: a Pilot Study
Objective: This observational, cross-sectional pilot study aims to assess "Brain Fog" (cognitive symptoms impacting memory, attention, and concentration) in severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) patients. It compares two groups: those on CPAP treatment for at least 3 months and those not yet treated.
Procedures: Severe OSA patients (AHI > 30) will complete a 30-minute questionnaire at the Sleep Center Clinic, covering sociodemographic information, OSA diagnosis, and treatment details. Assessment scales will measure daytime sleepiness, sleep quality, and psychophysical fatigue.
Participants: 80 Sleep Center outpatients, evenly divided by age and gender:
40 with severe OSA on CPAP for at least 3 months. 40 with severe OSA not yet on CPAP. Duration: Approximately 12 months.
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