/ Not yet recruitingN/AIIT A Pilot Intervention Study to Increase Physical Contact Between Prenatally Anxious/Depressed Mothers and Their Infants to Improve Maternal Sensitivity
The goal of this randomized controlled pilot trial is to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and clinical utility of a baby carrier intervention aimed at improving maternal sensitivity and mother-infant bonding in prenatally anxious/depressed mothers. The study has three main questions:
1. Is the intervention feasible (e.g., enrollment and recruitment rates) and acceptable to participants (e.g., compliance and perceived benefits)?
2. Does the intervention improve maternal sensitivity compared to a waitlist control group?
3. Does the intervention increase mother-infant neural synchrony compared to a waitlist control group, measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy?
Participants will A. Choose between two soft ergonomic baby carriers and be expected to use the baby carrier for the prescribed amount of time (intervention group).
B. Have two home visits, one at the start (at postpartum week 8) and another one at the end of the study (at postpartum week 16).
C. Complete questionnaires about depression and anxiety symptoms, mother-infant bonding, and rate protocol burden.
D. Share their feelings and lived experiences about the frequent use of a baby carrier and increased physical contact with their baby through open-ended interview questions (intervention group).
/ Not yet recruiting临床2期IIT Pretherapy Botulinum Toxin to Reduce Radiation-related Xerostomia in Head and Neck Cancer
Head and neck cancer care, including tumors of the mouth, nose, throat and voice box, often requires radiation for cure to be achieved. Despite advances in radiation, 40% to 60% of patients experience a significant dry mouth (xerostomia) following radiotherapy. Several factors are associated with severe xerostomia including older age, advanced stage disease and tumor location. Currently, no pragmatic treatment strategy exists to reduce the risk of radiation-related xerostomia in patients with head and neck cancer. The investigators propose the use of a botulinum neurotoxin injected into the at-risk salivary glands before radiation as a strategy to preserve salivary gland function during radiation treatments and reduce xerostomia.
Phase I Clinical Trial: Pilot Study of Intraoperative Somatic-Autonomic Nerve Grafting Technique to Preserve Erectile Function in Patients With High Grade Prostate Cancer Undergoing Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy
The investigator proposing a single arm prospective pilot trial evaluating the safety and the 1-year erectile recovery outcomes of patients undergoing Nerve Restoring (NR) Robotically assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RALP). During this study a total of 10 patients who are undergoing robotic prostatectomy will have their surgery performed utilizing a novel technique, NR-RALP, which incorporates a genitofemoral (GFN) nerve graft designed to try to improve the erectile function and recovery of men undergoing standard of care robotic prostatectomy while minimizing additional morbidity of the procedure
100 项与 Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital Foundation 相关的临床结果
0 项与 Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital Foundation 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital Foundation 相关的药物交易
100 项与 Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital Foundation 相关的转化医学