Exploring interventions over the watchful waiting period for children with hearing loss secondary to chronic otitis media with effusion (‘glue ear’): a single-centre interventional randomised controlled trial.
100 项与 The British Society of Audiology 相关的临床结果
0 项与 The British Society of Audiology 相关的专利(医药)
1995-12-01·British journal of audiology
Recommended procedure: computer coding of audiometric thresholds.
作者: Lutman, L ; Gatehouse, S ; Sparkes, C ; Marchbanks, R ; Clarke, M ; Martin, A
1995-01-01·British Journal of Audiology
作者: Gatehouse S ; Clarke M ; Marchbanks R ; Lutman L ; Sparkes C ; Martin A
100 项与 The British Society of Audiology 相关的药物交易
100 项与 The British Society of Audiology 相关的转化医学