In this study, we designed four new non-fullerene acceptors (ANF1-ANF4) for organic photovoltaic cells derived from a well-known reference compound, Y15.The terminal acceptor of Y15 was modified by removing the chlorine atoms and adding a cyano group at four different positions.To explore the impact of the cynao group substitutions, we investigated the optoelectronic properties of the derived mols. using d. functional theory (DFT) and time d. functional theory (TD-DFT).We assessed several characteristics of the created compounds, including charge mobilities, mol. planarity parameters, mol. electrostatic potential, frontier MOs, transition d. matrix, interfragment charge transfer (IFCT), and non-covalent interactions (NCI).Compared to the primary mol. Y15, we discovered that all tailored mols. have more planar geometries, a smaller energy gap ranging from 1.55 to 1.60 eV, and better optical properties with a maximum of absorption ranging from 759 nm to 796 nm in the chloroform phase.Moreover, we found that, except ANF4, all the other proposed mols. exhibit higher conductivity due to their lower reorganizational energy values compared to the reference mol. Y15.In particular, the investigation results showed that, given its promising optoelectronic and photovoltaic properties, ANF1 would be a great candidate for usage in the creation of high-performance organic solar cells.