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首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
GM604 Phase 2A Randomized Double-blind Placebo Controlled Pilot Trial in Amyotrophic Lateral Disease (ALS)
GM604 is an endogenous human embryonic stage neural regulatory and signaling peptide that controls the development, monitoring and correction of the human nervous system. Neurological diseases are multisystem, multifactorial, and single target drugs are ineffective. Genervon's Master Regulators play a significant role in embryonic/fetal nervous system development and are potent disease modification drug candidates modulating many pathways including inflammation, apoptotic, and hypoxia. The study drug is an regulatory peptide with a sequence identical to one of the active sites of human Motoneuronotrophic Factor and is manufactured by solid phase synthesis. Pre-clinical research indicates it to be a neuro-protective agent in animal models of ALS, motorneuron diseases, PD, other neuro-degenerative diseases and stroke. GM604 controls and modulates over many known and significant ALS genes with positive effects interactively and dynamically through multiple pathways, and up to twenty-two biological processes, including neuro-protection, neurogenesis, neural development, neuronal signaling, neural transport, and other processes. GM6 is not a cocktail of drugs, but one master regulator peptide drug that functions through multiple pathways. Genervon hypothesized that studying the biomarkers of protein expressions of these ALS genes such as superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and the protein expression of substances such as tau, neurofilament - heavy (NF-H), Cystatin C which were indications of degeneration of neuron in the CSF collected from ALS patients will provide information of the possible GM604's mechanisms of action in treating ALS. 1. This pilot trial is designed to test proof of principle, i.e. determine if a 2-week IV bolus treatment with this agent can (1) change ALS protein expression (target biomarkers and efficacy biomarkers) after treatment (2) have preliminary effects measures of ALS disease clinical progression.
Study Objectives are:
To test the safety and tolerability of GM604 in a population of ALS patients.
To test for changes in ALS biomarkers before and after treatment.
To determine preliminary effects of injections of GM604 on measures of ALS disease biomarkers and clinical progression
GM 608 in A Phase IIA Pilot Double-blinded, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trial in Mild to Moderate Parkinson Disease
GM608 is an endogenous human embryonic stage neural regulatory and signaling peptide that controls the development, monitoring and correction of the human nervous system. The study drug is an oligopeptide with a sequence identical to one of the active sites of human Motoneuronotrophic Factor and is manufactured by solid phase synthesis. Preclinical research indicates it to be a neuro-protective agent in animal models of PD, other neuro-degenerative diseases and stroke. This trial is designed to test proof of principle, i.e. determine if a 2-week treatment with this agent can restore the non-functioning nigral dopaminergic neurons in PD over a 3 month period, during which the placebo-treated arm is expected to have little or no worsening of the total UPDRS (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale)score compared to baseline.
Study Objectives are:
To compare the safety and tolerability of GM608 with placebo in a population of patients with early PD.
To field test the study procedures for feasibility and efficiency
To determine if there is any hint that injections of GM608 might slow the rate of clinical worsening of PD.
A Phase 2 Double Blinded, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and the Safety of GM602 in Patients With Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Ischemic Stroke Within an 18-hour Treatment Window
The purpose of this research study is to determine whether the investigational drug GM602, is effective and safe in the treatment of ischemic stroke (strokes caused by a blood clot blocking the flow of blood through one, or more of the blood vessels supplying the brain) when administered up to 18 hours after symptoms begin.
100 项与 Class I PI3K x INSR x c-Met 相关的临床结果
100 项与 Class I PI3K x INSR x c-Met 相关的转化医学
0 项与 Class I PI3K x INSR x c-Met 相关的专利(医药)