别名 MCM1、serum response factor、SRF |
简介 SRF is a transcription factor that binds to the serum response element (SRE), a short sequence of dyad symmetry located 300 bp to the 5' of the site of transcription initiation of some genes (such as FOS). Together with MRTFA transcription coactivator, controls expression of genes regulating the cytoskeleton during development, morphogenesis and cell migration. The SRF-MRTFA complex activity responds to Rho GTPase-induced changes in cellular globular actin (G-actin) concentration, thereby coupling cytoskeletal gene expression to cytoskeletal dynamics. Required for cardiac differentiation and maturation. |
作用机制 MRTFB inhibitors [+2] |
在研适应症 |
非在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段临床前 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |
作用机制 MRTFA inhibitors [+1] |
非在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段临床前 |
首次获批国家/地区- |
首次获批日期1800-01-20 |