Fetal thyroid disease is rare, and the disease is mostly contextualized in the setting of a treated maternal thyroid disease. The presentation of thyroid disease in the fetus of a euthyroid mother is unusual. This paper presents the case of a 21-week pregnant woman with an incidental finding from a detailed anatomy ultrasound and evaluates available diagnostic and therapeutic management options. There is no consensus with sufficient evidence given the unusual presentation of this type of pathology. In most cases, the evidence is in the etiology of a mother with previous thyroid pathology that modifies the fetal outcome. Hence, it is important to describe cases to accumulate and, at some point, sufficient evidence of different treatments, with the intention of improving the quality of the recommendations. The management of fetal euthyroid goiter is a complex challenge. Most specialists manage the information on a case-by-case basis, with the same general goals as in patients with other thyroid pathologies.