Phase Ib Study to Assess the Safety and Immunogenicity of a Novel HCV Vaccine, Based on the Sequential Injection of Ad6NSmut and MVA-NSmut, Given in Combination With PEG-Interferon Alfa Plus Ribavirin for Re-treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C
The purpose of this study is to determine whether administration of recombinant IMPs Ad6NSmut and MVA-NSmut (experimental vaccines for hepatitis C) in HCV chronically infected patients in combination with the standard Interferon/ribavirin therapy is safe and induces an immunological response.
A Phase I Study to Assess the Safety and Immunogenicity of Ad6NSmut and AdCh3NSmut in Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Infection
HCV002TV is a Phase I study to ascertain the safety and immunogenicity of a novel vaccine against Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in chronically infected patients. The vaccine is based on the sequential delivery, by intramuscular route, of two different adenoviral vectors, of chimpanzee and human origin respectively, bearing the same genetic information for HCV antigens (NS region).
The two recombinant vaccine vectors, called AdCh3NSmut and Ad6NSmut, are weakened and unable to multiply within the body; they are designed to induce an immune response against HCV proteins. AdCh3NSmut and Ad6NSmut are being used in the ongoing HCV001 study in healthy volunteers with very good safety and immunogenicity results.
HCV002TV is a dose-escalation study; the AdCh3NSmut is administered as priming vaccination and Ad6NSmut as boosting vaccination.
The trial includes:
Arm A, in which vaccinated patients are into Interferon-ribavirin therapy (the gold standard therapy for hepatitis C);
Arm B, in which vaccinated patients are not into therapy.
A Phase I Study to Assess the Safety and Immunogenicity of New Hepatitis C Virus Vaccine Candidates AdCh3NSmut and Ad6NSmut
HCV001 is a Phase I study to ascertain the safety and immunogenicity of a novel vaccine against Hepatitis C virus (HCV). The vaccine is based on the sequential delivery, by intramuscular route, of two different adenoviral vectors, of human and chimpanzee origin respectively, bearing the same genetic information for HCV antigens (NS region).
The two recombinant vectors, called Ad6NSmut and AdCh3NSmut, are weakened and unable to multiply within the body; they are designed to induce an immune response against HCV proteins. Although Ad6NSmut and AdCh3NSmut have never been given to humans before this trial, promising results have been obtained in non-human studies.
The HCV001 study is designed to explore different prime-boost regimes concerning dose, order and interval of administration of Ad6NSmut and AdCh3NSmut.
100 项与 Ad6NSmut 相关的专利(医药)