医疗产品的临床供应是在临床开发的早期阶段提供给患者和医疗服务提供者的。这包括1期和2期临床试验,它们是评估新药或新疗法在人体中的安全性和有效性的第一步。药物或其他医疗产品一旦成功完成早期临床阶段,并被证明是安全有效的,就可能进入临床开发的后期阶段,如 3 期临床试验,这涉及到更多的患者,并可能涉及到药物或产品的更广泛传播。
除了寻找和采购材料外,制剂开发的材料供应过程还可能涉及储存和处理要求,以 确保材料的稳定性和纯度。一些指导原则和标准(见表12-2)适用于在研究实验室或生产设施等非临床环境中分发材料。在临床或非临床环境中分发材料时,必须遵守这些指导原则和标准,以确保用于产品监管决策的 结果的质量、安全性和完整性。
临床供应供应链成功的关键在于供应链领导者(supply chain)与申办者、试验设计团队、项目执行/现场团队、试验的各种运营领导者、包装配送中心、技术专家、家庭保健团队以及监管顾问/专家之间的密切合作。需要使用技术指导对到达患者手中的药物进行清晰的可见性、跟踪、库存管理和监控。需要迅速考虑患者注册人数的变化或研究的变化,以确保药物供应正常,不会出现缺货情况。
在其他辖区,它通常是临床试验申请(CTA)。在美国,新药申请(NDA)和仿制药申请(ANDA)涉及小分子药物的上市许可申请,而生物许可申请(BLA)涉及新的生物制剂和生物类似药(见表 12-4)(其他辖区通常使用上市许可申请[MAA]一词)。
另一方面,ANDA仿制药品是一种已在美国获得批准的药品的非专利版本,申请上市许可。ANDA开发与临床活动有几个主要区别。首先,ANDA用于申请仿制药的批准,仿制药是已获FDA批准的专利药(brand-name drug)的复制品。ANDA 一般不要求进行临床试验,因为仿制药的安全性和有效性已经通过专利药的审批程序确定。
对于经证明与FDA已批准的参照列表药物(RLD)具有生物等效性的仿制药,可给予生物豁免或免除某些监管要求。如果根据适当的体外和/或体内数据证明非专利药与参照列表药物具有生物等效性,则可对某些类型的非专利药(如速释口服固体制剂)给予生物豁免。ANDA由FDA的仿制药办公室(Office of Generic Drugs, OGD)审查,而NDA则由FDA的药物评价与研究中心(Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, CDER)评估。
法规(EU) No 536/201439为欧盟临床试验的授权和监督建立了一套单一的规则。它包括与临床试验申请评估、临床试验监督和临床试验结果报告有关的规定。这一规定仍处于过渡阶段,尚未全面实施。
同时,日本的临床试验法规包括《药事法》及其条例、厚生劳动省(Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare ,MHLW)运行的临床试验通知(CTN)和临床试验信息(CTI)系统,用于试验目的。在中国,临床试验(包括生物等效性研究)需要事先获得NMPA的批准。获得批准的临床试验应在符合中国 GCP 的认证研究机构内进行。
同时,巴西卫生监管局(Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency ,ANVISA)制定了在巴西开展涉及研究药物和生物制剂的临床试验的法律框架。巴西临床试验登记处(ReBec)由ANVISA维护,用于登记临床试验方案和其他相关文件。巴西国家卫生委员会第466/201246号决议规定了在临床试验中保护个人数据的规则。
在新药的非临床开发阶段,制药公司需要获得用于临床前试验的原料药供应。原料药是正在开发成药物成品的纯净形式(pure form of the compound),是生产药物成品的原料。原料药由制药公司开发和生产,然后配制成成品剂型。原料药的开发涉及几个步骤。其一是确定和选择化合物的合成路线或生物工艺。
制药公司也可以从供应商处购买药物物质,如化学制造商或专门生产原料药的公司。如果药物物质唾手可得,而公司又不想投资必要的设备和专业知识在内部或通过CMO进行合成,这不失为一种好的选择。原料药供应链非常重要,因为原料药的质量会对成品药的安全性和有效性产生重大影响。在美国,原料药由FDA根据《联邦食品、药品和化妆品 (FD&C) 法》进行监管。在欧盟,原料药由EMA或国家主管当局(NCA)根据GMP原则、欧盟GMP指南和欧盟GMP附件进行监管。
冷链包装解决方案(见Figure 12-4)可以说是包装和运输产品的最佳方法,以保持产品在国际或国内运输路线上从头到尾的温度一致,尤其是生物制品。运输生物制品所需的范围和要求非常广泛。因此,冷链工程开发的重要性日益突出,这在一定程度上也是由于 COVID-19 大流行病的关注和在全球范围内运输疫苗的需要。
美国联邦法规第 21 编第 205.50 部分提到了药品储存和处理的最低要求,并详细说明了温度记录和记录保存的要求;
21 CFR 第 203.32 部分讨论了作为生产规范的一部分,保持药品和条件的稳定性、完整性和有效性的必要性;
21 CFR 第 203.36 部分要求保存表格、报告和记录,以满足保存记录的要求;
《 联邦法规汇编》第 21 卷第 211.150 部分涉及如何分发药品的程序。
21 CFR 第 11 部分提到了该机构认为电子记录和签名可信的法规和标准。
制药行业的临床试验支出有所增加。临床试验申办者开展复杂的试验,并希望更快地对试验做出 “开始/不开始 ”的决策(desire a faster “go/no go” decision-making scenario)。临床试验供应链管理对于将新型疗法和治疗方法推向市场至关重要。因此,申办者需要整合专业知识、流程和技术,以支持相关活动。
非临床开发流程通常包括临床前试验、化学、生产和控制(CMC)开发以及监管申请(如IND)等活动。临床前试验包括体外(试管或实验室培养皿)和体内(动物)试验,以评估药物的安全性和有效性。CMC 开发包括开发合成和生产药物的工艺,以及确保药物符合质量标准。监管申请包括向监管机构(如FDA)申请开始人体临床试验的许可。非临床开发的利益相关者包括制药公司、监管机构、分销商、CDMO、测试实验室和原材料供应商。每个利益相关者都有其独特的视角和关注点,因此在整个非临床开发过程中考虑其需求和关注点非常重要。
例如,在欧盟,2003/94/EC号指令要求将附件13的要求适用于研究用医药产品(Investigational Medicinal Products,IMP)、参照物和非IMP。IMP按照指定市场规定的GMP生产。GMP包括人员、文件管理、质量管理、生产、订购、运输和临床用品的返还。需要指出的是,附件13是对良好临床实践指令的补充。需要指出的是,附件13是对《良好临床实践指令》的补充。
临床生产过程还包括生产用于临床试验的安慰剂或对照药物。临床包装也必须符合 GMP标准,以确保药物的安全性和有效性,并满足监管要求。用于临床包装的材料必须是高质量的,并且适合所包装的药物。它们还必须能够承受储存和运输条件。包装设计必须适合所包装的药物和临床试验的要求。包装还应易于使用和处理,并应将药物污染或降解的风险降至最低。临床包装必须包括适当的标签(见图12-5),以提供有关药物的信息,包括名称、强度和剂型,以及任何必要的警告或警示说明。
仓库/配送设施必须有确保处方药正确储存的设备,包括冷库、冰箱、温度和湿度装置以及空气处理装置。需要有监控设备,在任何偏离所需储存条件的情况下立即向相关人员发出警报。然而,FDA认为出售或转让的药物临床实验或研究目的一名调查员,定义在21 CFR 312.3(或任何后续监管),一部分在印第安纳州提交给FDA是批发分销的范围之外,因为药物是用于体外,临床、或其他研究目的在印第安纳州。由于这些原因,FDA提出了排除这些类型的交易范围的批发销售。
由于进出口法规、温度偏差和规划不确定性等方面的原因,世界各地的临床试验变得更加复杂。由于COVID-19疫苗等疗法需要快速开发,因此需要尽可能缩短时间。监管机构需要考虑适应以患者为中心的新模式。CRO和申办方公司必须确定采购模式,并明确合作伙伴之间以及全球范围内的责任。COVID-19大流行对全球开发部门的供应链产生了重大影响。研究发现,2020年2月至5月期间,美国启动的研究数量仅为未发 生大流行病时预期数量的57%。发展供应链涉及货物、服务和资源的采购与分销,以支持发展项目和计划,包括中低收入 国家的项目和计划。这些供应链非常复杂,涉及多个利益相关者,在多种多样且往往具有挑战性的环境中运作。
— 结论 —
All references verified 13 March 2023.
1. Food and Drug Administration. What are the different types of clinical research? Current as of 4 January 2018. https://www.fda.gov/patients/clinical-trials-what-patients-need-know/what-are-differenttypes-clinical-research
2. International Council for Harmonisation. Integrated addendum to ICH E6(R1): Guideline for good clinical practice. Step 4 vers. Dated 9 Novemebr 2016. https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/E6_R2_Addendum.pdf
3. International Council for Harmonisation. Development and manufacture of drug substances (chemical entities and biotechnological/biological entities) Q11. Step 4 vers. Dated 1 May 2012. https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/Q11%20Guideline.pdf
4. International Council for Harmonisation. Stability testing of new drug substances and products QIA(R2). Step 4 vers. Dated 6 February 2003. https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/Q1A%28R2%29%20 Guideline.pdf
5. Food and Drug Administration. Digital health technologies for remote data acquisition in clinical investigations [draft guidance]. Current as of 22 December 2021. https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/digital-health-technologies-remotedata-acquisition-clinical-investigations
6. Food and Drug Administration. Container closure systems for packaging human drugs and biologics: Chemistry, manufacturing, and controls documentation [guidance]. Dated May 1999. https://www.fda.gov/media/70788/download
7. European Medicines Agency. European medicines agencies network strategy to 2025: Protecting public health at a time of rapid change. Published 2020. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/report/european-union-medicines-agencies-network-strategy-2025-protecting-public-health-time-rapid-change_en.pdf
8. Food and Drug Administration. IND applications for clinical investigations: Regulatory and administrative components. Current as of 7 March 2022. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/investigationalnew-drug-ind-application/ind-applications-clinical-investigationsregulatory-and-administrative-components
9. Food and Drug Administration. Biologics license applications (BLA) process (CBER). Current as of 27 January 2021. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood biologics/development-approval-process-cber/biologics-license-applications-bla-process-cber
10. Food and Drug Administration. Adaptive designs for clinical trials of drugs and biologics [guidance]. Dated November 2019. https://www. fda.gov/media/78495/download
11. Food and Drug Administration. Generic drugs: Questions & answers. Current as of 16 March 2021. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/frequentlyasked asked-questions-popular-topics/generic-drugs-questions-answers
12. Raines K. A primer on generic drugs and bioequivalence: An overview of the generic drug approval process. https://www.fda.gov/files/about%20fda/published/Generic-Drugs-and-Bioequivalence---Presentation.pdf
13. Food and Drug Administration. Product-specific guidances for generic drug development. Current as of 21 November 2022. https://www.fda. gov/drugs/guidances-drugs/product-specific-guidances-generic-drugdevelopment
14. Food and Drug Administration. Applications covered by section 505(b)(2) [draft]. Dated October 1999. https://www.fda.gov/media/72419/download
15. Food and Drug Administration. M9 biopharmaceutics classification system-based biowaivers [guidance]. Dated May 2021. https://www.fda.gov/media/148472/download
16. Food and Drug Administration. Referencing approved drug products in ANDA submissions. Dated October 2020. https://www.fda.gov/media/102360/download
17. Food and Drug Administration. Office of Generic Drugs. Current as of 5 August 2022. https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/center-drugevaluation-and-research-cder/office-generic-drugs
18. Food and Drug Administration. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research | CDER. Current as of 24 June 2022. https://www.fda.gov/ about-fda/fda-organization/center-drug-evaluation-and-research-cder
19. Food and Drug Administration. Biosimilars guidances. Current as of 5 October 2021. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/generalbiologics-guidances/biosimilars-guidances
20. European Medicines Agency. Guideline on similar biological medicinal products. Rev. 1. Effective 30 April 2015. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/guideline-similarbiological-medicinal-products-rev1_en.pdf
21. European Medicines Agency. Guideline on similar biological medicinal products containing biotechnology-derived proteins as active substance: quality issues (revision 1). Effective 1 December 2014. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/guideline-similar-biological-medicinal-products-containingbiotechnology-
22. European Medicines Agency. Guideline on similar biological medicinal products containing biotechnology-derived proteins as active substance: Non-clinical and clinical issues. Rev. 1. Effective 1 July 2015. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientificguideline/guideline-similar-biological-medicinal-products-containingbiotechnology-derived-proteins-active_en-2.pdf
23. International Council for Harmonisation. ICH E6 (R2) Good clinical practice - Scientific guideline. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/ich-e6-r2-good-clinical-practice-scientific-guideline
24. Health Canada. Good clinical practices: Guidance documents. Modified 29 September 2022. https://www.canada.ca/en/healthcanada/services/drugs-health-products/compliance-enforcement/good-clinical-practices/guidance-documents.html
25. World Health Organization. Data handbook for good clinical research practice (GCP): guidance for implementation. https://apps.who.int/ iris/bitstream/handle/10665/43392/924159392X_eng.pdf
26. Office for Human Research Protections. Regulations, policy &guidance. Last reviewed 30 June 2020. https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/ regulations-and-policy/index.html.
Chapter11 Coordinating Drug Supply for Clinical and Nonclinical Development
The supply of a drug during nonclinical and clinical development refers to the way the drug is provided or made available to researchers, patients, healthcare providers, distributors, and developers. During the nonclinical development stage, the supply of a drug is limited to a small number of researchers or laboratories. This involves carefully controlling the distribution of the drug to ensure that it is handled, stored, and administered correctly. Once a drug enters clinical development, it is supplied to a larger number of patients and healthcare providers through various channels, such as pharmacies, hospitals, and clinics. The clinical supplies of medical products are made available to patients and healthcare providers during the early stages of clinical development. This includes Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials, which are the first steps in evaluating the safety and effectiveness of a new drug or treatment in humans.1 Once a drug or other medical product has successfully completed the early clinical stages and has been shown to be safe and effective, it may progress to later stages of clinical development, such as Phase 3 clinical trials, which involve larger numbers of patients and may involve a more widespread distribution of the drug or product.
Clinical and Nonclinical Development Supply
Clinical Development Supply Chain
The distribution of treatment in a clinical trial is carefully planned and controlled to ensure that all participants receive the correct treatment in a consistent manner. This helps to reduce the potential for bias in the trial and to ensure that the results accurately reflect the effectiveness of the treatment being studied. It is typically one of the key variables being studied in a clinical trial, and its distribution is described in detail in the trial protocol. There are various standards and guidelines (see Table 12-1) that outline the appropriate procedures for distributing materials in a clinical trial to ensure the quality, safety, and integrity of the study.
Nonclinical Development Supply Chain
In the context of product development, material supply refers to the sourcing and procurement of the materials that are used to create a drug or other product. This may include raw materials, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), excipients, and other ingredients needed to formulate the product. Proper material supply is a vital aspect of formulation development, as it can affect the quality, safety, and effectiveness of the final product. Material suppliers must be carefully selected, and these materials must be thoroughly tested and validated to ensure that they meet the required standards.3 The material supply process for formulation development may also be subject to regulatory oversight to ensure that the materials used in the formulation are safe and of high quality. In addition to sourcing and procuring materials, the material supply process for formulation development may also involve storage and handling requirements to ensure the stability4 and purity of the materials. Several guidelines and standards (see Table 12-2) apply to distributing materials in nonclinical settings, such as research labs or manufacturing facilities. It is essential to follow these guidelines and standards when
distributing materials in clinical or nonclinical settings to ensure the quality, safety, and integrity of the results to be applied for regulatory decision-making on the product.
Drug Supply for Clinical Trials
The key to a successful supply chain in clinical supply is the close collaboration of supply chain leads with the sponsor, trial design team, project execution/site team, various operational leads of the trials, packaging distribution centers, technologists, home healthcare teams, and regulatory consultants/experts. The use of technology5 for clear visibility, tracking, inventory management and monitoring of material reaching the patient is required. Visibility on variations in patient enrollment or changes in the study needs to be swiftly considered to ensure the supply of the material is on track with not out of stock situations. A real-time system to provide visibility and traceability is hence critical. Defining the appropriate distribution channels is another aspect of clinical supply strategy. Determining the adequacy of container closure systems,6 and continually monitoring temperature and humidity transportation and storage conditions are critical. The other key aspect is material management, managing the expiry of the materials throughout the study periods.
Clinical Supply Chain Strategy
A clinical supply chain strategy (see Table 12-3) is a plan for managing the distribution of drugs, medical devices, and other materials to patients and healthcare providers during the clinical development of a new product. It is an essential aspect of drug development, as it helps to ensure that the product is available in the right quantities, at the right time, and in the right place to meet the needs of clinical trials and other studies.
Developing an effective clinical supply chain strategy requires careful planning and coordination to ensure that the product is available when and where it is needed while meeting regulatory requirements and standards for quality and safety. Regulators are also implementing smart strategies in clinical development and supply to meet patient needs.
New Drugs and Generics; Biologics and Biosimilars
IND, or investigational new drug application,8 is a request to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for permission to begin testing a new drug or biologic in humans. The IND process is designed to ensure that new drugs and biologics are safe and effective before they are approved for use in the US. Stakeholders in the IND process include the drug or biologic manufacturer, the FDA, healthcare providers, patients, and advocacy groups. The IND process is designed to ensure that new drugs and biologics are thoroughly tested and carefully evaluated before they are approved for use in the US. In other jurisdictions, it is typically a Clinical Trial Application (CTA). New Drug Applications (NDAs) and Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) pertain to marketing authorization applications for small-molecule drugs, while Biological Licence Applications (BLAs)9 pertain to new biologics and biosimilars (see Table 12-4) in the US (other jurisdictions typically use the term marketing authorization application
[MAA]). Biologics are complex products that are produced using living cells and are often more difficult to manufacture than small-molecule drugs. As a result, the clinical trial requirements for biologics may be more stringent than those for small-molecule drugs.
The clinical trial design10 for NDAs, ANDAs, and BLAs may differ based on the specific characteristics of the product being tested. For example, the clinical trial design for a small molecule drug may differ from that of a vaccine or a blood product. The size of clinical trials also may vary depending on the specific characteristics of the product being tested. The submission requirements for Biologics may differ in terms of the specific data and information that must be included in the application.
ANDA generic drugs, on the other hand, is a request for permission to market a generic version of a drug that is already approved in the US. There are several key differences in ANDA development and clinical activities. Primarily, ANDAs are used to request approval for generic drugs, which are copies of branded drugs that have already been approved by the FDA. ANDAs generally may not require clinical trials to be conducted, as the safety and effectiveness of the generic drug have already been established through the approval process for the brand-name drug. The approval process for ANDAs is, therefore, faster than the approval process for NDAs. However, the ANDA submission process may involve some clinical data, such as bioequivalence studies, which are designed to demonstrate that the generic drug is biologically equivalent to the brand-name drug. Bioequivalence studies involve administering the generic drug and the brand-name drug to a small group of healthy volunteers and measuring the levels of the drug in the blood to ensure that they are comparable. In addition, the ANDA submission process may also involve demonstrating that the generic drug meets the same quality standards as the brand-name drug. This may involve conducting studies to show that the generic drug has the same purity, strength, and stability as the brand-name drug. Product-specific guidance is issued by the FDA to provide detailed information on the regulatory requirements for a specific type of drug or product. Product-specific guidance may include information on the types of data that are needed to support an ANDA or a 505(b)(2) application, as well as information on the criteria that the FDA will use to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the drug or product.
Biowaivers or exemptions from certain regulatory requirements are granted for generic drugs that are shown to be bioequivalent to a reference-listed drug (RLD) that has already been approved by the FDA. Biowaivers may be granted for certain types of generic drugs, such as those that are immediate-release solid oral dosage forms, if the generic drug can be shown to be bioequivalent to the RLD based on appropriate in vitro and/or in vivo data. ANDAs are reviewed by the FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD),17 while NDAs are evaluated by the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER).18 Overall, the ANDA process is designed to ensure that generic drugs are safe, effective, and of high quality before they are approved for use.
A biosimilar is a biological product that is similar to a reference biologic product and has been shown to have no clinically meaningful differences in terms of safety, purity, and potency. Biosimilar clinical trials typically follow a similar process to clinical trials for other types of pharmaceutical products. To demonstrate this similarity, it is generally necessary to conduct clinical trials in which the biosimilar is compared to the reference product in patients. These clinical trials are designed to provide evidence of the biosimilar’s safety, efficacy, and quality, and are an important part of the regulatory process for the approval of biosimilars. The specific clinical trial requirements for biosimilars may vary depending on the specific regulatory framework in the country where the biosimilar is being developed.
Mapping the Supply Chain
Mapping the clinical supply chain (see Figure 12-1) can help identify potential bottlenecks or points of failure in the distribution process and can help identify areas where improvements can be made to optimize the flow of investigational products to clinical trial sites. The activities start with the ones performed by manufacturing and distribution sites of investigational products.
This includes production, distribution, intermediate storage, or handling steps that may be necessary. Then comes inventory management for tracking the quantity and location of investigational products at each stage of the supply chain, as well as managing
expiration dates and other product-specific considerations. There needs to be a handling of adverse events that includes the process for reporting and managing adverse events that may occur during the clinical trial, including the collection and analysis of data on
adverse events and the communication of this information to relevant parties.
The supply chain scenarios must incorporate managing study data and meet regulatory compliance. This includes the collection, storage, and analysis of data from the clinical trial, as well as the management of electronic data systems and the transfer of data between different parties in the supply chain. Regulatory compliance includes the process of ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements at each stage of the clinical supply chain, including the submission of required documentation to regulatory agencies.
Clinical Trial Regulations
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines and other guidance documents23-25 from the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) provide internationally recognized standards for the design, conduct, and reporting of clinical trials involving investigational drugs, and are used to ensure the quality and integrity of clinical trial data. Clinical trial regulations are designed to ensure the safety and ethical conduct of clinical trials and to protect the rights and welfare of study participants.
In the US, supply chain management in clinical trials is regulated by several different agencies, including the FDA, the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP),26 and the CTRIS program. IND regulations outline the requirements for conducting clinical trials of investigational drugs in the US.Clinical trials require sponsors and investigators to register clinical trials and submit certain information about the trial, including information about the supply chain (e.g., the source and manufacturer of investigational products). Federal Policy for the Protec tion of Human Subjects (Common Rule) is administered by the OHRP27; it sets forth basic ethical principles and requirements for the protection of human subjects in research. The Common Rule includes provisions related to the procurement and use of investigational products in clinical trials, such as the requirement to obtain informed consent from trial subjects and to ensure that investigational products are used in accordance with the protocol (see Table 12-5).
Various publications also contributed to the development of final rules related to the FDA’s regulations on good clinical practice and clinical trials.28-38 Clinical trial regulations in the EU are designed to ensure the safety and ethical conduct of clinical trials and to protect the rights and welfare of study participants. Some of the most important clinical trial regulations in the EU include:
Regulation (EU) No 536/201439 establishes a single set of rules for the authorization and supervision of clinical trials in the EU. It includes provisions related to the assessment of clinical trial applications, the supervision of clinical trials, and the reporting of clinical trial results. This regulation is still in the transition state and is not yet fully implemented.
The Clinical Trials Registration and Results Information Submission requirements40 established by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) mandate the registration and results reporting of clinical trials in the EU are designed to promote transparency and accountability in clinical research.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)41 applies throughout the EU, establishes rules for the protection of personal data, and requires that clinical trial participants provide their informed consent for the processing of their personal data in clinical trials.
Meanwhile, clinical trial regulations in Japan include the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and its regulations, the Clinical Trials Notification (CTN) and Clinical Trials Information (CTI) systems run by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) for the
purpose of trials. And in China, clinical trials (including bioequivalence studies) need prior National Medical Products Administration (NMPA, formerly the China Food and Drug Administration, or CFDA) approval. The approved clinical trial should be conducted in a certified research institution that operates in compliance with Chinese GCP.
In the UK, the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations established the legal framework for the conduct of clinical trials involving investigational drugs and biologics. They include provisions related to the ethical conduct of clinical trials, the protection of clinical trial participants, and the submission of clinical trial applications to regulatory authorities. And in Canada, the most important clinical trial regulations include the Food and Drugs Act and its regulations that establish the legal framework for the conduct of clinical trials involving investigational drugs, biologics, and medical devices, the Health Canada Guidance Document for Clinical Trial Sponsors: Clinical Trial Applications, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
Meanwhile, the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) establishes the legal framework for conducting clinical trials involving investigational drugs and biologics in Brazil. The Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (ReBec)45 maintained by ANVISA is used to register clinical trial protocols and other related documents. Brazilian National Health Council Resolution No. 466/201246 establishes the rules for protecting personal data in clinical trials.
The regulatory landscape for supply chain management in clinical trials is constantly evolving, and new regulations and guidelines are frequently being issued. These are only a few of the key clinical trial regulations to be considered. There may be additional regulations that apply depending on the specific characteristics of the clinical trial, such as the type of investigational product being tested or the funding source for the trial.
Traceability of Clinical Supply Material
As a best practice, supply chain partners are to be licensed in accordance with federal requirements and share information when transferring product ownership to permit products to be tracked and traced as they progress through the supply chain. Traceability
requirements extend beyond the lot level to the individual package level. Transaction documentation and other pharmaceutical pedigree information can be exchanged among entities in a fully electronic and secure manner. Commercial distributors and third-party logistics providers who submit an annual report to the FDA listing the states in which they are licensed can be used for clinical distribution as well. A manufacturer should have systems to comply with a suspect product’s identification and reporting requirements, including quarantining such product and promptly investigating in coordination with clinical partners, as applicable, to determine whether the material is illegitimate. This will include validating any applicable transaction history and transaction information in possession of the manufacturer. If the manufacturer determines a product to be suspect, the product should be quarantined, and an investigation conducted. If proven legitimate, the records should be completed, and the product should be documented as cleared.
Each unit of the investigational product should be uniquely identified and labeled using methods such as barcodes or serial numbers. The use of data systems can facilitate traceability by allowing the electronic tracking and tracing of investigational products, as well as the collection and analysis of data on the movement and use of these products. Establishing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the handling and distribution of investigational products can help ensure that these products are handled and distributed in a consistent and controlled manner. This can facilitate traceability by providing clear guidelines for the tracking and tracing of products. Ensuring that all parties involved in the clinical supply chain are trained and educated on the importance of traceability – as well as specific procedures and having systems in place for tracking and tracing investigational products – can ensure that integrity is maintained throughout the supply chain. Traceability in the clinical supply chain is required for the movement of investigational products through the supply chain from the manufacturer to the clinical trial site. It is important in clinical trials because it allows for the identification and addressing of potential issues or problems that may arise during the distribution process, ensuring the integrity and quality of the investigational product.
Potential Issues and Mitigation Plans in Clinical Trial Supply Chain
Several issues can arise in the clinical trial supply chain (see Table 12-6), which can impact the ability to deliver investigational products to clinical trial sites and potentially delay or disrupt the clinical trial. Manufacturing delays or issues with the production of investigational products, such as contamination or other quality issues, can lead to delays in supplying these products to clinical trial sites. Establishing backup manufacturing and distribution sources is an option to ensure a continuous supply of investigational products in case of delays or issues with the primary source. Logistical challenges with the transportation or storage of investigational products, such as delays due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, can impact the delivery of these products to clinical trial sites. Implementing robust logistics and transportation systems can ensure the timely and reliable delivery of investigational products to clinical trial sites. Inventory management issues with tracking and managing inventory, such as incorrect stock counts or expiration of investigational products, can lead to shortages or other disruptions in the supply chain.
Developing a robust inventory management system to track and manage the supply of investigational products, including expiration dates and other product-specific considerations, can mitigate this issue. Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to delays or disruptions in the supply of investigational products.
Ensuring regulatory compliance at all stages of the clinical trial supply chain, including submitting required documentation to regulatory agencies in a timely manner, is therefore necessary. To mitigate these potential issues (see Figure 12-2), it is essential to have a robust and well-planned clinical trial supply chain with appropriate controls and contingency plans in place.
Drug Supply for Nonclinical Development Work
Selection and Supply of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Excipients During the nonclinical development phase of a new medication, pharmaceutical companies need to obtain a supply of the API for use in preclinical testing. The drug substance is the pure form of the compound that is being developed into medication
and is the source material to produce the finished drug product.
They are developed and manufactured by pharmaceutical companies and are then formulated into finished dosage forms. Development of the API involves several steps. Identification and selection of the synthetic route or biological process for a compound are one. This can be done through various methods, including the synthesis of new compounds, isolation of natural products, or modification of existing compounds. Preclinical testing is performed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness in animals. Clinical trials determine the safety and efficacy of the compound in humans. Regulatory Drug Master File (DMF) submission at a national regulatory agency such as the FDA
or the EMA is required. The development of APIs is a complex and time-consuming process that can take many years and require significant investment.
There are several options for obtaining a supply of drug substances for nonclinical development work. Some pharmaceutical companies have the capability to synthesize the drug substance in-house using their own facilities. This can be a cost-effective option if the company has the necessary expertise and equipment.
Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) are third-party companies that specialize in the synthesis and manufacture of APIs and other drug substances. Pharmaceutical companies can outsource the development of the drug substance to a CMO, which can also be a cost-effective option if the company does not have the necessary expertise or equipment in-house.
Pharmaceutical companies can also purchase the drug substance from a supplier, such as a chemical manufacturer or a company that specializes in the production of APIs. This can be a good option if the drug substance is readily available, and the company does not want to invest in the necessary equipment and expertise to synthesize it in-house or through a CMO. The API supply chain is important because the quality of the API can have a significant impact on the safety and effectiveness of the finished medication. In the US, APIs are regulated by the FDA under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act. In the EU, APIs are regulated by the EMA or by National Competent Authorities (NCAs) under the principles of GMP, as well as the EU GMP guidelines and the EU GMP annexes.
The ICH provides GMP guidance48 for the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) under an appropriate system for managing quality. It is also intended to help ensure that APIs meet the quality and purity characteristics that they purport, or are represented, to possess. GMP regulations for the manufacture of APIs lay bare the requirements for the design, operation, and maintenance of API manufacturing facilities. The regulations are intended to ensure that APIs are consistently manufactured and controlled.
During the nonclinical development phase of a new medication, pharmaceutical companies need to obtain a supply of excipients for use in the nonclinical development formulation (see Table 12-7) of test batches of the drug product.
API and Key Ingredient Supply Security
The upstream vulnerabilities, like sources of raw materials and ingredients, have been highlighted by regulators such as the FDA.
According to the agency, 72% of API manufacturers (see Figure 12-3) supplying the US market are overseas.49 As a result, when disruptions occur at those limited sites, whether from natural disasters, geopolitical events, or pandemic-related shutdowns,patients suffer the consequences. There are thousands of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants across the world dependent on imports. A price increase is unavoidable due to the increased demand out of the supply chain restrictions such as in pandemic conditions. The cost of the API is the most significant component of the pharmaceutical cost of production. Policymakers at the world’s largest pharmaceutical market (the US) and the world’s largest generics producer (India)50 are worried about their dependency.
An exploratory study on API by The World Bank found that Western API manufacturers have an average wage index of 100, while in Asia, it is as low as eight. The FDA identified that the number of API manufacturing sites is increasing in other countries. The reliance of the US on foreign sources of API in later stages of the development cycle is therefore growing. The FDA believes that advanced manufacturing technologies may help regain US competitiveness and minimize national security risks. There are new regulatory guidelines to encourage emerging technologies such as flow chemistry and/or continuous manufacturing, as they concluded that traditional manufacturing can never offset the cost advantages and productivity that established facilities enjoy.
Packaging Material Development and Supply
A science and data-driven approach needs to be considered in developing and qualifying robust and optimal primary and secondary packing solutions. Planning with stakeholder (sponsor, distributor, CRO, CDMO, material vendor, transporter) involvement, where all the product quality-related requirements are elicited, is a vital part of the process. This process of engagement allows the developer capturing correct product parameters, such as temperature, logistics, and domestic and international transit routes. Risk management, solution development, configuration management, qualification and transit studies, technical reviews, and traceability are performed as part of the process.
The solution developed and selected needs to take into consideration supplier reliability and technical capabilities. The understanding of logistics functions is a critical part of the design development. Knowing the distribution environment, understanding the flow of packages as to how they are shaped, handled, and stored is important. Design tests and interpretation of the results need to be part of the process. Close observation of the package distribution process allows for understanding the variables that impact the mechanisms of measurement to be employed and determines vibration, drop, compression and temperature or humidity levels.
A cold-chain packing solution (see Figure 12-4) can be best described as the method of packaging and shipping a product to maintain a consistent temperature from end to end within a transit route, be it international or domestic in nature, especially for biologics. The range and requirements needed to ship biologics is broad. The significance of cold-chain engineering development has hence taken prominence, also in part due to focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for shipment of vaccines around the world.
In the US, apart from product requirements, there are also regulatory requirements for cold-chain solutions:
21 CFR Part 205.50 refers to the minimum requirements for the storage and handling of drugs and details the requirement for temperature recording and recordkeeping;
21 CFR Part 203.32 discusses the need to maintain the drugs and conditions to maintain stability, integrity, and effectiveness as part of manufacturing specifications;
21 CFR Part 203.36 calls for maintaining forms, reports, and records to meet requirements for recordkeeping;
21 CFR Part 211.150 refers to the procedure of how drugs are to be distributed.
21 CFR Part 11 refers to the regulations and criteria in which the agency considers electronic records and signatures trustworthy.
The International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) develops testing protocols and design standards that define how packages should be to guarantee protection for their content during the transportation cycle.
Dosage Form Development and Regulations
A based approach based on Quality by Design (QbD) is required for the drug product development.52 The API used in the medication must be characterized. It is then formulated into a finished dosage form, taking into consideration factors such as the desired release profile, stability, manufacturability, and patient acceptability.
Pre-formulation studies are conducted to understand the physical and chemical properties of the API and how it will behave in the finished dosage form. Stability testing of the finished dosage form is evaluated under various storage conditions to ensure that it remains stable and effective over time. The manufacturing process of the finished dosage form is developed and optimized to ensure that it can be consistently and reproducibly manufactured at a commercial scale. The manufacturing process is then scaled up to a larger scale, and the finished dosage form is validated to ensure that it meets required specifications. The formulation should be designed to meet the specific needs of the API, such as controlling the release profile, improving stability, or enhancing bioavailability.
The formulation development should define Quality Target Product Profile (QTPP) to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the finished product and should be acceptable to patients in terms of taste, appearance, and ease of use. It should be amenable for manufacture at a commercial scale and should be reproducible and consistent.
Potential Issues and Mitigation Plans
There can be shortages of the raw materials or APIs needed for the nonclinical development of the medication, which can delay the development process. This issue can be mitigated by establishing multiple sources for raw materials and APIs, and by building up inventory in advance of anticipated shortages. There may be quality issues with the raw materials or APIs such as impurities or variations in potency. This can impact the safety and effectiveness of the finished product. To mitigate this issue, it is important to carefully evaluate the quality of raw materials and APIs and to establish robust quality control processes to ensure they meet the required specifications. There may be issues with the manufacturing process for the finished dosage form, such as variability in the production process or problems with equipment. To mitigate this issue, it is important to establish robust manufacturing processes and conduct thorough testing and validation of the finished dosage form. There may be delays or losses, or damages in the shipping of materials, which can impact the timeline for the nonclinical development of the medication. This issue can be mitigated by using reliable shipping carriers and by monitoring the status of shipments to ensure timely delivery. There may be customs issues that arise during the nonclinical distribution of a medication, such as problems with the import or export of materials or issues with the transportation of hazardous materials. To mitigate this issue, it is important to ensure customs clearance requirements and to establish procedures for handling such issues as they arise. By identifying and addressing potential issues in a timely manner, it is possible to minimize disruptions and ensure the smooth progress of nonclinical development.
Clinical and Nonclinical Supply Regulations: Points to Consider
Clinical trial spending in the pharmaceutical industry has increased. Clinical trial sponsors run complex trials and desire a faster “go/no go” decision-making scenario on their trials. Clinical trial supplies chain management is critical in bringing novel therapies
and treatments to market. For that reason, sponsors need to align expertise, processes, and technology to support the activities.
Clinical supply involves a global supply chain in many cases. A clinical project lifecycle starts from manufacturing and ends with the final reconciliation and destruction. The activities include coordination with clinical, medical, and third-party logistics (3PL) and other teams to create, validate and monitor the clinical supply chain plan. Secure document sharing, data integrity, and shipment tracking are key for traceability.
Monitoring of product expiry and inventory is also critical. A successful clinical project starts with developing plans to manage the regulatory requirements and regulations for importation and distribution. The process of completing CTA or IND applications is a critical step. The valuation of adequate funding for the activities and appropriate costing estimations are required for smooth project execution. Clinical trial documents, pharmacy manuals, or laboratory testing manuals to ensure GCP compliance is needed. Product designs or formulations tailored to the needs of clinical trials, as well as ensuring subject compliance, are key factors.
A nonclinical development process typically involves activities such as preclinical testing, chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) development, and regulatory application (e.g., an IND). Preclinical testing includes in vitro (test tube or lab dish) and in vivo (animal) testing to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the drug. CMC development involves developing the process for synthesizing and producing the drug, as well as ensuring that the drug meets quality standards. The regulatory application includes an application to a regulatory agency (e.g., the FDA) to request permission to begin clinical testing in humans. The stakeholders in the nonclinical development include the pharmaceutical company, regulatory agencies, distributors, CDMO, testing labs, and raw material vendors. Each of these stakeholders has a unique perspective and set of focus, and it is important to consider the needs and concerns throughout the nonclinical development process.
Phase-Appropriate Manufacturing and Packaging
GMPs are a set of guidelines and regulations that are designed to ensure that pharmaceuticals are consistently produced and controlled to the highest standards. GMP guidelines apply to all aspects of drug production, including raw materials, production process, and quality control. GMP standards vary depending on the stage of drug development. Phase-appropriate GMP refers to the application of GMP standards that are appropriate for the stage of drug development. For example, during Phase I clinical trials, the focus is on evaluating the safety of the drug, and the GMP standards may be less stringent than they would be during later-phase clinical trials or postmarketing. As the drug progresses through clinical development and moves closer to market approval, GMP standards become more stringent to ensure the quality and consistency of the final product. It is important to follow phase-appropriate GMP standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drug, as well as to meet regulatory requirements.
For example, in the EU, Directive 2003/94/EC requires applying the requirements of Annex 13 to Investigational Medicinal Products (IMPs), comparators and non-IMPs. IMPs are manufactured as per GMPs as defined in the designated markets. The GMPs include personnel, document management, quality management, production, ordering, shipping and return of clinical supplies. It needs to be noted that Annex 13 is in addition to the Good Clinical Practice Directive. That directive requires IMP manufacturers to apply GMPs for investigational products manufactured within the EU as well as those investigational products imported for trials. Member states must ensure that the imported IMP production batch is manufactured and tested in accordance with standards at least equivalent to EU GMPs. Imported or not, as a first step, the Qualified Person (QP) must certify the release of each batch of material for clinical trials, including imported material. The GCP directive requires an IMP manufacturing licence, which is different from a manufacturing licence for medicinal products for human use. The sourcing of comparator products or other clinical trial materials is to be performed.
The clinical manufacturing process also involves the production of placebo or control drugs for use in clinical trials. Clinical packaging must also meet GMP standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drug, as well as to meet regulatory requirements. The materials used for clinical packaging must be of high quality and suitable for the drug being packaged. They must also be able to withstand the conditions of storage and transport. The packaging design must be suitable for the drug being packaged and the requirements of the clinical trial. It should also be easy to use and handle and should minimize the risk of contamination or degradation of the drug. Clinical packaging must include appropriate labeling (see Figure 12-5) to provide information about the drug, including the name, strength, and dosage form, as well as any necessary warning or cautionary statements.
Blinding is used in clinical trials to ensure that the results are objective and unbiased. To ensure the effectiveness of blinding, it is important to carefully design the blinding process and follow strict guidelines for packaging and labeling the study drugs. This may involve using identical packaging and labelling for all study drugs or using codes to conceal the treatment assignment. It is also important to carefully track and record the treatment assignments to ensure that the blinding remains in place throughout the study.
Wholesale Distribution Regulations
The US FDA recently released a draft rule53 on establishing uniform licensing standards for wholesale distributors and 3PLs. The purpose of the rule is to provide greater assurance that supply chain participants are sufficiently vetted and qualified to distribute prescription drugs, further strengthening the supply chain. As per the proposed rule, the 3PL must use appropriate manual, electromechanical, or electronic temperature and humidity recording equipment, or logs to document proper storage. They need to ensure that products are distributed at appropriate temperatures and are under appropriate conditions in accordance with the requirements in the product’s labeling to preserve their identity, strength, quality, and purity.
The warehouse/distribution facilities must have equipment that ensures prescription drugs are properly stored, including cold storage, refrigerators, temperature and humidity devices, and air-handling units. There needs to be monitoring equipment that immediately alerts appropriate personnel of any deviations from the required storage conditions. However, the FDA considers the sale or transfer of a drug for investigational or research purposes to an investigator, as defined in 21 CFR Part 312.3 (or any successor regulation), under an IND submitted to the FDA to be outside the scope of wholesale distribution because the drug is used for in vitro, clinical, or other research purposes under an IND. For these reasons, the FDA has proposed to exclude these types of transactions from the scope of wholesale distribution.
And in Europe, only a wholesale dealer licence holder can store and transport drugs.
Commonalities and Differences
Both clinical and nonclinical development supply chains involve the procurement and distribution of goods, services, and resources to support the development of products or programs. Both can be complex, involving multiple stakeholders and operating in diverse
and often challenging environments, including procurement of goods and services for raw materials, supplies, equipment, and contracted services. They involve the transportation and distribution of goods and materials, which may involve local, national, or international logistics. Development supply chains involve managing and mitigating risks, such as disruptions to the supply chain, changes in regulations, or quality issues.
Clinical supply chains involve the management of clinical trial materials, including investigational medicinal products and placebo products, which are used in clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of new drugs or treatments. Nonclinical pharmaceutical
development supply chains involve the procurement and distribution of raw materials, supplies, and equipment used in the early development and production of pharmaceutical products, but do not involve clinical trial materials. Clinical supply needs to meet additional regulatory requirements, such as GCP guidelines, while nonclinical pharmaceutical development supply chains adhere to specific data integrity, QbD, and GMP requirements, where required. While clinical supply primarily involves coordinating with clinical trial sites and managing the distribution of clinical trial materials to these sites, the nonclinical pharmaceutical development supply chains coordinate development and manufacturing sites and manage the distribution of raw materials, supplies, and equipment for development purposes. The storage and handling of raw materials, supplies, and equipment are in accordance with specific requirements, but these may not be as stringent as those for clinical trial materials.
Clinical and Nonclinical Development Supply Chain Complexities During a Pandemic
Clinical trials around the world have become more complex due to aspects such as import, and export regulations, temperature excursions, and planning uncertainties. The need for rapid development of therapies such as the COVID-19 vaccines supports the need to have shorter timelines where possible. The regulator’s drive to accommodate new patient-centric modalities needs to be considered. It is critical for the CRO and sponsor companies to identify sourcing models and define responsibilities between partners and across the globe. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on development sector supply chains around the world. It was found that the number of studies initiated in the US from February –May 2020 was only 57% of what would have been expected had the pandemic not occurred.54 Development supply chains involve the procurement and distribution of goods, services, and resources to support development projects and programs, including for lowand middle-income countries. These supply chains are complex, involving multiple stakeholders and operating in diverse and often challenging environments. The pandemic disrupted global trade and transportation networks, making it more difficult to obtain and transport goods and materials. High demand for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), packaging materials, and other essential supplies led to shortages, which affected the availability of these items for development projects. Governments and organizations had to adjust their procurement processes to accommodate remote work to comply with social distancing measures. The pandemic made it more difficult to manage and monitor development projects, as travel and in-person meetings were not possible. To address these challenges, development organizations had to be flexible and adapt their supply chain strategies. This involved finding new sources of supplies, diversifying the supplier base, and leveraging digital technologies to facilitate remote collaboration and communication.
Industry-initiated and academic clinical trials strive to improve healthcare. However, they have their own motivations for pursuing clinical research projects. To market a new product and generate profit for the company, the industry needs clinical trials for the
purpose of providing evidence of a successful new drug. Whereas in academia, researchers are motivated by the potential academic and medical impact they can impart. Since drug development takes years, the industry is often under strict timeline pressure to launch a new product. This is especially true when a patent for a new investigational product is involved. The sooner the company can profit from a patent-protected product, the better it is for the company. As part of the strategies to ensure product longevity,companies develop a novel formulation, line extensions, new technology platforms, and new claims, which may also call for clinical trials.55 Pharmaceutical and medical corporations serve the shareholders, who want to see profitability with a quick turnaround time. The nonclinical and clinical development phases supply chain has a critical role to play in bringing new and affordable therapies to market at a faster pace. The identification and mitigation of potential clinical and nonclinical supply risks, the standardization of supply chain processes, the coordination between regulatory bodies, and the adoption of supply chain technology solutions are a few elements to consider to be successful with supply chain security for the patient critical development materials. The segment continues to garner pharmaceutical industry interest.