Efficacy of the V0034CR01B emollient on xerosis in children with atopic dermatitis. Randomised, vehicle-controlled, parallel-groups, double-blind study with an open label extension
Efficacy of the V0034CR01B Emollient on Xerosis in Children With Atopic Dermatitis. Randomised, Vehicle-controlled, Parallel-groups, Double-blind Study With an Open Label Extension.
Atopic dermatitis is a frequent, chronic inflammatory disease influenced by local, immunological, genetic and environmental factors. Important symptoms of atopic dermatitis are dry skin, intense pruritus and impaired epidermal barrier function. Atopic dermatitis is associated with skin barrier dysfunction that facilitates an easier allergen penetration into the skin with an increased irritation and subsequent cutaneous inflammation. A lack of important stratum corneum intercellular lipids and an inadequate ratio between compounds enhance trans-epidermal water loss leading to xerosis. Skin hydration by emollient therapy usually twice daily improves dryness and subsequently pruritus during the treatment of atopic dermatitis and especially improves the barrier function. Emollients make part of basic therapy (grade 1) for treatment of atopic dermatitis (European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Force 2009 Position Paper). Improvement of cutaneous barrier alteration, measured by skin hydration, is a key element for evaluation of emollient treatment efficacy.
The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the efficacy of the tested product (V0034CR01B) cream on xerosis in children with atopic dermatitis compared to the excipient formula during 28 days.
Long-term Efficacy and Safety of V0034 CR 01B Cream in Patients With Moderate-to-severe Uremic Xerosis
Primary objective:
To demonstrate the long-term efficacy (response to treatment during initial therapy, time to relapse without treatment, durability and lesional recurrence during maintenance therapy) of V0034 CR 01B cream on uraemic xerosis in the real-life setting.
Secondary objectives:
To assess the local tolerance of V0034 CR 01B after long-term use
To assess the patient benefit and acceptability of V0034 CR 01B
100 项与 V0034CR01B 相关的临床结果
100 项与 V0034CR01B 相关的转化医学
100 项与 V0034CR01B 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 V0034CR01B 相关的药物交易