Carella, Byrne, Cecchi, Brody & Agnello, P.C.* Announces the Settlement of a Class-Action Lawsuit Involving Persons and Entities that Purchased, Paid For, and/or Provided Reimbursement for Effexor XR® and/or its Generic Equivalent

*In association with Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP, Spector Roseman & Kodroff, P.C., Miller Law LLC, Motley Rice LLC, Quantum Legal LLC, and The Dugan Law Firm, PLC
CHICAGO, June 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --
Legal Notice
Did You Purchase, Pay for, or Provide Reimbursement for Effexor XR®
and/or Its Generic Equivalent?
You Could Get Money from a Settlement
There is a Settlement in a class-action lawsuit with Wyeth (also known as Wyeth LLC and formerly known as Wyeth, Inc. and American Home Products); Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Wyeth-Whitehall Pharmaceuticals; and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Company (collectively, "Wyeth") and Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (collectively, "Teva").  The lawsuit claims that Wyeth and Teva unlawfully kept generic versions of Effexor XR® off the market, causing consumers and third-party payors to pay more for brand and generic Effexor XR® than they should have. Wyeth and Teva deny they did anything wrong.  There has been a settlement with Wyeth; the lawsuit against Teva is ongoing. No one is claiming that Effexor XR® is unsafe.
Who is included in the Settlement?
You may be included in the Settlement if you are a person or entity that purchased, paid for, and/or reimbursed some or all of the cost of Effexor XR® or AB-rated generic versions of Effexor XR® for yourself, your family, or your members, employees, insureds, participants, or beneficiaries, from June 14, 2008 through May 31, 2011, in the following states: Arizona, California, Florida, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
A more detailed notice, including the full class definition and who is not included, is available at
What does the Settlement provide?
Wyeth will pay $25.5 million into a Settlement Fund that will pay (1) money to eligible Class Members; (2) notice and administration costs; (3) service awards to the class representatives who brought the lawsuit; and (4) attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses.
How can I get a payment?
You must submit a valid claim form to apply for payment from the Settlement Fund. The amount of your payment will depend on the amount of Effexor XR® or AB-rated generic versions of Effexor XR® you purchased and the number of claims that are filed. The Claim Forms, and information on how to submit them, are available at Claim forms must be postmarked (if mailed) or received (if submitted online) on or before
September 16, 2024.
What are my rights?
Even if you do nothing, you will be bound by the Court's decisions. If you want to keep your right to sue Wyeth yourself, you must exclude yourself by
July 29, 2024. If you do not exclude yourself, you may object to the Settlement by
July 29, 2024. Detailed instructions about how to act on these rights are available at
The Court will hold a hearing on
September 12, 2024 to consider whether to approve the Settlement, a request for attorneys' fees of up to 34% of the Settlement Fund, plus costs and expenses, and service awards to the class representatives. You or your own lawyer may appear and speak at the hearing at your own expense. The Court may change these deadlines or the hearing date and time. Check the website below for updates. Please do not call the Court or the Clerk of the Court for information about the Settlement.
For more information:  1-877-933-2882          
SOURCE Carella, Byrne, Cecchi, Brody & Agnello, P.C.; Wexler Boley & Elgersma LLP