AbstractA study was conducted to examine the production cross sections of nuclear reactions natFe(p,x)56,57,58Co, natCu(p,x)63,65Zn, natTi(p,x)48V, natW(p,x)182m,182g,184g,186Re, natTi(α,x)49,51Cr, natCu(α,x)66,67,68Ga, and natFe(α,x)57Ni,57Co, within the low energy range. Experiments were performed using a 5 MV tandem (Pelletron) accelerator situated at the National Centre for Physics (NCP) in Islamabad, Pakistan we employed the foil activation technique and used an off-line gamma ray spectroscopy system having Genie 2,000 software to detect the reaction products. The data analysis indicated the production of a number of radioisotopes with important applications in nuclear, industrial and medical fields. We compared our measured results with previously evaluated data as well as with theoretical predictions from the TENDL-library, based on TALYS-1.9 code calculations, to validate our findings.