Abstract:To predict natural ureter lengths based on clinical images. We reviewed our image database of patients who underwent multiphasic computed tomography urography from January 2019 to April 2020. Natural ureteral length (ULCTU) was measured using a three-dimensional curved multiplanar reformation technique. Patient parameters including age, height, and height of the lumbar spine, the index of ureteral length using kidney/ureter/bladder (KUB) radiographs (C-P and C-PS) and computed tomography (ULCT) were collected. ULCTU correlated most strongly with ULCT. R square and adjusted R square values from multivariate regression were 0.686 and 0.678 (left side) and 0.516 and 0.503 (right side), respectively. ULCTU could be estimated by the regression model in three different scenarios as follows:ULCT + C-PULCTUL = 0.405 $$\times$$× ULCTL$$+$$+ 0.626 $$\times$$× C-PL – 0.508 cmULCTUR = 0.558 $$\times$$× ULCTR$$+$$+ 0.218 $$\times$$× C-PR + 6.533 cmULCTULCTUL = 0.876 $$\times$$× ULCTL$$+$$+ 6.337 cmULCTUR = 0.710 $$\times$$× ULCTR$$+$$+ 9.625 cmC-PULCTUL = 0.678 $$\times$$× C-PL$$+$$+ 4.836 cmULCTUR = 0.495 $$\times$$× C-PR$$+$$+ 10.353 cmWe provide equations to predict ULCTU based on CT, KUB or CT plus KUB for different clinical scenarios. The formula based on CT plus KUB provided the most accurate estimation, while the others had lower validation values but could still meet clinical needs.