1区 · 医学
作者: Taylor, Alexander M ; Martin, Iain J ; Murcko, Mark ; Schmidt, Molly ; Nguyen, Vy ; Bowman, Christine ; Tang, Yong ; Therrien, Eric ; Willmore, Lindsay ; Waters, Nigel J ; Chan, Emily W ; Deshmukh, Gauri ; Shaw, David E ; Maddalo, Danilo ; Watters, Jim ; Owen, Christopher ; Williams, Bret R ; Wilbur, Jeremy ; Brophy, Erin ; Kelley, Elizabeth H ; Pierce, Levi ; Nguyen, Vi ; Orozco, Olivia ; Lescarbeau, André ; Walters, W Patrick ; Greisman, Jack B ; Smith, Sherri ; Giordanetto, Fabrizio ; Maragakis, Paul ; Shortsleeves, Kelley ; Kipp, D Randal ; Saenz Lopez-Larrocha, Pablo ; Arrazate, Alfonso ; Nisonoff, Hunter ; Merchant, Mark ; Hunsaker, Thomas L ; Tran, John C
Protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 mediates RAS-driven MAPK signaling and has emerged in recent years as a target of interest in oncology, both for treating with a single agent and in combination with a KRAS inhibitor. We were drawn to the pharmacological potential of SHP2 inhibition, especially following the initial observation that drug-like compounds could bind an allosteric site and enforce a closed, inactive state of the enzyme. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of GDC-1971 (formerly RLY-1971), a SHP2 inhibitor currently in clinical trials in combination with KRAS G12C inhibitor divarasib (GDC-6036) for the treatment of solid tumors driven by a KRAS G12C mutation.