This article describes about pharmacokinetics and safety of recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist GR007 in healthy chinese subjects.To investigate safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of GR007 in healthy Chinese subjects following i.m. administration of GR007 at a single dose of either 30, 90, or 150 mg in a rising single-dose escalation study.Visual examination of the mean serum concentration vs. time profile suggested that for GR007 doses of 30 and 90 mg, the plateau in the profile appeared to last for between 1 and 4 h, while for the top dose of 150 mg of GR007, the plateau in the profle lasted at least another hour in healthy Chinese subjects.The author concluded higher dose of GR007 (150 mg) may have resulted in drug precipitation in the muscular tissue, which over time would be expected to slowly dissolve and to be released into systemic circulation, as seen in the serum profle in healthy Chinese subjects.