最高研发阶段批准上市 |
首次获批日期1956-11-01 |
A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled, Parallel Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Cunermuspir on Energy, Strength, Fatigue and Discomfort in Subjects With Nerve or Muscle Pain
Male and female participants were selected based on chronic neuromuscular pain. Patients were instructed to take two doses of the placebo or cuprous nicotinic acid chelate Cunermusmir twice a day for 28 days. Hypothesis: Cunermuspir would improve quality of life as determined by several questionnaires.
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0 项与 Mitosynergy LLC 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 Mitosynergy LLC 相关的药物交易
100 项与 Mitosynergy LLC 相关的转化医学