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A Prospective, Single-center, Open-arm, Single-arm Study of the Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of Single Intravenous Infusion Administration of LY-M001 Injection in the Treatment of Adult Patients With Gaucher Disease Type I
This is a prospective single-center, open, single-arm, single-dose intravenous infusion study to evaluate the safety and initial efficacy, pharmacodynamic characteristics, immunogenicity, biodistribution, and viral shedding of LY-M001 injection.This study mainly includes the main study stage and the long-term follow-up study stage.
100 项与 凌意(杭州)生物科技有限公司 相关的临床结果
0 项与 凌意(杭州)生物科技有限公司 相关的专利(医药)
100 项与 凌意(杭州)生物科技有限公司 相关的药物交易
100 项与 凌意(杭州)生物科技有限公司 相关的转化医学