Both tissue-resident macrophages and monocytes recruited from the bone marrow that transform into tissue-resident cells play critical roles in mediating homeostasis as well as in the pathology of inflammatory diseases. Inorganic arsenic (iAs) is the most common drinking water contaminant worldwide and represents a major public health concern. There are numerous diseases caused by iAs exposure in which macrophages are involved, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and increased risk of (respiratory) infectious diseases. Notably, prenatal iAs exposure is also associated with negative birth outcomes and developmental immunotoxicity (DIT) contributing to long-term adverse outcomes of these immune-related diseases. Therefore, understanding the effects of iAs exposure on macrophages, particularly during immune development or tissue injury and inflammation, can help us better grasp the full range of arsenic immunotoxicity and better design therapeutic targets for iAs-induced diseases particularly in exposed populations. In contrast to prior published studies which often only focused on the effect of iAs on mature macrophages after development, in this study, we analyzed the transcriptome of M0-, M1- and M2-polarized male and female murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) which were exposed to iAs during the differentiation phase, as a model to study iAs (developmental) immunotoxicity. We identified differentially expressed genes by iAs in a sex- and stimulation-dependent manner and used bioinformatics tools to predict protein-protein interactions, transcriptional regulatory networks, and associated biological processes. Overall, our data suggest that M1-stimulated, especially female-derived, BMDMs are most susceptible to iAs exposure during differentiation. Most notably, we observed significant downregulation of major proinflammatory transcription factors, like IRF8, and its downstream targets, as well as genes encoding proteins involved in pattern recognition and antigen presentation, such as TLR7, TLR8, and H2-D1, potentially providing causal insight regarding the role of (early-life) arsenic exposure in perturbing immune responses to infectious diseases. We also observed significant downregulation of genes involved in processes crucial to coordinating a proinflammatory response including leukocyte migration, differentiation, and cytokine and chemokine production and response. Finally, we discovered that 24 X-linked genes were dysregulated in iAs-exposed female stimulation groups compared to only 3 across the iAs-exposed male stimulation groups. These findings elucidate the potential mechanisms underlying the sex-differential iAs-associated immune-related disease risk.