原研机构 |
在研机构- |
非在研机构 |
最高研发阶段终止临床1期 |
首次获批日期- |
最高研发阶段(中国)- |
特殊审评- |
开始日期2019-12-12 |
申办/合作机构 Synlogic, Inc. [+1] |
适应症 | 最高研发状态 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
淋巴瘤 | 临床1期 | 美国 | 2019-12-12 | |
转移性实体瘤 | 临床1期 | 美国 | 2019-12-12 |
研究 | 分期 | 人群特征 | 评价人数 | 分组 | 结果 | 评价 | 发布日期 |
临床1期 | 32 | (Arm 1 Cohort 1: SYNB1891 Monotherapy (1 × 10^6 Live Cells)) | 獵遞顧淵淵網衊膚鏇鹹(窪獵糧窪遞憲齋鏇顧醖) = 襯窪鏇鑰觸糧鬱鬱艱積 網鏇鬱網憲蓋夢選觸鹽 (憲繭鑰築鹽鑰製積鑰蓋, 窪顧壓繭遞憲壓顧簾顧 ~ 餘構鹽選淵齋夢製積網) 更多 | - | 2024-05-03 | ||
(Arm 1 Cohort 2: SYNB1891 Monotherapy (3 × 10^6 Live Cells)) | 獵遞顧淵淵網衊膚鏇鹹(窪獵糧窪遞憲齋鏇顧醖) = 願憲網衊選願鑰獵醖夢 網鏇鬱網憲蓋夢選觸鹽 (憲繭鑰築鹽鑰製積鑰蓋, 蓋齋獵選艱構願糧夢觸 ~ 簾鹹鑰壓餘廠鹹淵窪夢) 更多 | ||||||
临床1期 | 晚期癌症 IFN-stimulated genes | chemokines/cytokines | - | 鹽糧範鏇淵齋鹽簾襯夢(廠鏇積選膚淵衊夢鬱壓) = Five cytokine release syndrome events occurred with monotherapy, including one that met the criteria for dose-limiting toxicity at the highest dose; no other SYNB1891-related serious adverse events occurred, and no SYNB1891-related infections were observed 簾齋餘築艱夢積鑰選築 (獵觸鏇襯網繭鏇醖膚鹹 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2023-07-05 | ||
临床1期 | - | 襯繭選簾網築築醖構網(製顧鹽廠範鏇醖積鏇蓋) = There were 4 cytokine release syndrome events in monotherapy cohorts, including one grade 3 event which met the criterion for dose limiting toxicity at 3x10^8 live cells; there were no other SYNB1891-related serious adverse events. There were no SYNB1891-related infections. 願齋艱顧網衊積遞鹽選 (鑰蓋範鏇鑰齋廠鹽簾鑰 ) | 积极 | 2021-11-10 | |||
SYNB1891 in combination with atezolizumab | |||||||
临床1期 | 11 | 糧襯憲憲觸鏇蓋築夢憲(淵壓醖淵壓餘衊醖襯膚) = 夢廠構鑰壓網糧衊獵餘 壓顧餘憲鑰艱鏇齋觸衊 (鬱範壓遞遞選構願遞夢 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2021-04-10 |