项与 DM-002 (Xadcera Biopharma) 相关的临床试验A Phase I, Multicentre, Open-label, First-in-Human, Dose Escalation and Expansion Study of DM002 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors
The goal of study:
The study has two parts: Part 1 Dose Escalation and Part 2 Dose Expansion.
In Part 1, a few participants will receive the lowest dose of study drug. The study team will make sure it is safe and tolerated before enrolling new participants at a higher dose of study drug. There will be up to six or more dose levels of study drug tested (called cohorts). Which dose you receive will depend on how many participants have taken part in the study before you.
The purpose of Part 1 of the study is to evaluate the safety of the study drug at different dose levels, to understand what your body does to the study drug, and to find the best dose of study drug in people who have advanced solid tumor cancers.
In Part 2, participants will receive the best dose level that was determined in Part 1 of the study.
The purpose of Part 2 of the study is to evaluate the safety of the study drug at the dose level determined in Part 1, to understand what your body does to the study drug, and to see how your cancer responds to the study drug.
Participants will:
Participants will have 17 or more visits to the study centre. This study has a screening phase of up to 28 days , and a treatment phase with cycles of 21 days each. Participants will also have an End of Treatment (EOT) visit 21 days after the final study drug treatment, and a Follow-up visit 30 days after the EOT visit . Participants will be contacted by telephone every 3 months after the Follow-up visit to check on the wellbeing and record any new anticancer therapy they may have started.
100 项与 DM-002 (Xadcera Biopharma) 相关的临床结果
100 项与 DM-002 (Xadcera Biopharma) 相关的转化医学
100 项与 DM-002 (Xadcera Biopharma) 相关的专利(医药)
项与 DM-002 (Xadcera Biopharma) 相关的新闻(医药)1月12日,BioBAY园内企业多玛医药自主研发的1类创新药DM002,HER3/MUC1-C双抗ADC,正式获得美国FDA 新药临床研究申请(IND)批准,即将开启临床一期研究。DM002是多玛医药获得FDA新药临床研究申请批准的第三款双抗ADC产品。
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100 项与 DM-002 (Xadcera Biopharma) 相关的药物交易