Abstract::Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the 21st century, where early detection
and appropriate therapeutic interventions are two components essential for effective cancer
management. Despite the availability of several conventional diagnostics and therapeutic agents,
cancer mortality rates are rising due to an increase in the frequency of recurrence and metastasis
in cancer patients. Therefore, tremendous efforts have been expended to address this significant
clinical issue and improve therapeutic efficacy. In this regard, nanotheranostic is a multipotential
single platform for both cancer diagnosis and treatment through enhanced aqueous solubility and
bioavailability of the encapsulated agent, stimulus responsiveness, tumor-specific targeting ability,
precise tumor imaging, and real-time drug delivery. Nonetheless, the translational success of
nanotheranostic platforms is still in its infancy and requires more extensive research in the context
of tumor heterogeneity, safety profile, and regulatory issues, which pose one of the largest
technological limitations. The present review summarizes different nanotheranostic platforms
and nanotheranostic candidates in clinical trials (AGuIX®
, NBTXR3, Ferumoxtran, MM-398,
EndoTAG-1, etc.), along with disadvantages and challenges to improving cancer diagnosis and
treatment. Overall, the concept, platform, and technical knowledge of nanotheranostics are really
helpful to academic and pharmaceutical researchers.