A Trial to Evaluate Target Occupancy of Scopolamine at the Muscarinic M1 Receptor
The purpose of this study is to assess the target occupancy (TO) of scopolamine at M1 Muscarinic Receptors in the brain after single I.V. doses of scopolamine, in healthy control subjects, using the radiotracer [11C]EMO (also known as [11C]LSN3172176).
Muscarinic M1 Receptor Availability and Cognition in Schizophrenia
This exploratory study seeks to examine M1 receptor availability in SZ patients and to relate M1 receptor availability to proximal and distal measures of cognitive performance, namely evoked ɣ oscillations in the EEG and verbal memory. Furthermore, the relationship between hippocampal [11C]EMO availability (BPND), evoked ɣ oscillations, verbal memory, and measures of illness severity will be explored.