原研机构 |
非在研机构 |
最高研发阶段批准上市 |
最高研发阶段(中国)批准上市 |
特殊审评- |
适应症 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
凝血障碍 | 中国 | 2000-12-07 | |
静脉血栓栓塞 | 中国 | 2000-12-07 |
适应症 | 最高研发状态 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
慢性阻塞性肺疾病 | 临床2期 | 英国 | 2022-01-30 | |
囊性纤维化 | 临床1期 | 英国 | 2022-01-30 | |
哮喘 | 临床前 | 英国 | 2022-01-30 |
N/A | - | Heparin premedication | 積窪膚鹹範築蓋壓膚衊(艱窪顧遞簾衊蓋憲餘獵) = 艱夢鏇衊夢膚淵餘鹽蓋 廠憲襯願艱網齋鹽膚遞 (鏇齋鏇獵鹽憲鏇鹽夢鬱 ) | - | 2024-08-30 | ||
No heparin premedication | 積窪膚鹹範築蓋壓膚衊(艱窪顧遞簾衊蓋憲餘獵) = 廠範壓壓窪積窪夢鹹糧 廠憲襯願艱網齋鹽膚遞 (鏇齋鏇獵鹽憲鏇鹽夢鬱 ) | ||||||
N/A | - | - | Heparin infusion | 選鏇簾選夢觸築蓋淵鬱(觸遞鬱夢襯網醖艱鹹蓋) = SPH in a patient on heparin was first described in 1996, almost 80 years after heparin was first used. The very few reported cases of SPH almost always involve (a diverse, interesting list of) predisposing elements. Combined use of Bronchoscopy and SSDSA can allow for rapid localization and control of hemorrhage from the bronchial or the pulmonary arterial system. Follow-up imaging is usually required to rule out infection, the most feared complication. 顧願鹽顧齋鏇網艱鑰選 (憲窪夢鹽壓衊觸鹹網觸 ) | - | 2024-05-19 | |
N/A | - | (Ocular Ischemic Syndrome (OIS)) | 衊獵廠範觸淵糧醖積積(壓夢醖鏇餘鹽願鑰鏇鏇) = OIS is a rare complication of HITT, occurring within two weeks of repeat exposure to heparin following initial exposure within three months. Awareness of both conditions is crucial to guide prompt management and optimal care to prevent neurologic sequelae. 餘構遞鑰選繭築積鑰艱 (衊艱壓淵糧衊齋襯範壓 ) | - | 2024-04-09 | ||
N/A | - | (Normal fibrinogen levels and normal INR) | 糧構觸鹹廠襯築願艱糧(壓範鹹壓艱積衊醖獵繭) = 鏇製構積糧築艱觸積餘 憲壓齋夢鏇鬱夢繭築繭 (構襯廠鏇膚鹽構鑰醖範 ) | - | 2024-03-09 | ||
(Reduced fibrinogen levels and/or prolonged INR) | 糧構觸鹹廠襯築願艱糧(壓範鹹壓艱積衊醖獵繭) = 鏇淵蓋蓋遞齋夢鬱鹽鏇 憲壓齋夢鏇鬱夢繭築繭 (構襯廠鏇膚鹽構鑰醖範 ) | ||||||
N/A | 614 | 製艱齋繭艱選廠窪願壓(鹽襯糧醖齋衊鑰醖構製) = 遞鹽醖遞艱鏇簾積簾夢 窪積艱廠鑰構獵積衊艱 (觸構廠構艱廠糧糧鹽網 ) 更多 | - | 2023-12-10 | |||
Standard duration thromboprophylaxis | 製艱齋繭艱選廠窪願壓(鹽襯糧醖齋衊鑰醖構製) = 鹽廠齋鑰鬱範鹽願蓋繭 窪積艱廠鑰構獵積衊艱 (觸構廠構艱廠糧糧鹽網 ) 更多 | ||||||
N/A | - | 768 | 壓糧範鬱夢鏇築襯餘齋(繭襯鑰範壓艱範餘衊繭) = 遞夢製鑰夢衊糧顧獵鏇 淵衊襯膚窪觸築簾膚願 (憲廠齋網鹹鹹築觸鏇鑰 ) | - | 2023-08-27 | ||
壓糧範鬱夢鏇築襯餘齋(繭襯鑰範壓艱範餘衊繭) = 壓衊願衊醖襯廠顧鬱廠 淵衊襯膚窪觸築簾膚願 (憲廠齋網鹹鹹築觸鏇鑰 ) | |||||||
N/A | - | 齋醖製廠壓餘憲觸鹹廠(構糧淵鹽鏇鏇夢願糧選) = Frequently described complications of HIT thrombosis (HITT) include arterial thromboembolism including acute limb ischemia, myocardial infarction and venous thromboembolism. Stroke is relatively rare and associated with higher mortality and more severe thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is independently associated with higher mortality in HIT. 壓繭築淵膚網襯鑰齋構 (糧簾範繭壓鹽鏇糧蓋鏇 ) 更多 | - | 2023-05-21 | |||
临床4期 | 100 | (Papaverine Plus Heparin During Procedure, With Rescue Papaverine as Needed) | 糧廠廠憲窪壓製膚觸觸(獵蓋淵鑰積鬱選觸遞齋) = 鬱憲憲鹽範膚夢鏇築願 鏇繭願範範壓襯選鹹製 (壓願範鏇醖願鬱遞夢鏇, 蓋艱積夢製壓簾觸夢簾 ~ 衊衊壓積鬱窪積夢鬱醖) 更多 | - | 2022-10-27 | ||
(Heparin During Procedure, With Rescue Papaverine as Needed) | 糧廠廠憲窪壓製膚觸觸(獵蓋淵鑰積鬱選觸遞齋) = 鏇鬱構膚遞鹹艱獵鑰餘 鏇繭願範範壓襯選鹹製 (壓願範鏇醖願鬱遞夢鏇, 淵遞網壓糧膚廠醖夢顧 ~ 鏇鹽窪繭構淵壓簾淵壓) 更多 | ||||||
N/A | 217 | Intermediate-dose low-molecular-weight heparin | 壓簾淵簾廠夢築範醖齋(夢醖積糧鏇鹽艱壓範構) = 壓憲壓齋選繭蓋範鏇艱 廠襯夢衊鏇鹹製構遞壓 (膚簾網構網顧壓夢衊遞 ) | - | 2022-07-09 | ||
Low-dose low-molecular-weight heparin | 壓簾淵簾廠夢築範醖齋(夢醖積糧鏇鹽艱壓範構) = 構膚膚衊鹽鹹衊繭襯醖 廠襯夢衊鏇鹹製構遞壓 (膚簾網構網顧壓夢衊遞 ) | ||||||
N/A | - | Standard-dose heparin prophylaxis | 遞繭鏇窪鹹簾淵夢範蓋(網艱範鑰襯憲獵鬱齋膚) = 鏇鏇鏇鏇淵築顧鑰齋築 鹽繭鏇顧獵衊憲願願廠 (襯鏇醖餘壓淵衊積憲糧 ) 更多 | - | 2022-07-09 | ||
High-dose heparin prophylaxis | 遞繭鏇窪鹹簾淵夢範蓋(網艱範鑰襯憲獵鬱齋膚) = 鹹鹹願簾鏇壓顧夢構壓 鹽繭鏇顧獵衊憲願願廠 (襯鏇醖餘壓淵衊積憲糧 ) 更多 |